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Copious Vaginal Discharge: Common Bacterial Infection, or STD?

A 21-year-old woman is worried that her abnormal vaginal discharge may be a symptom of an STD.

Case #: 846


I am 21 from Dallas, Texas. My question for you tonight is well... um... I am very concerned about my situation... I currently have a white discharge... and it seems as though it is coming in big quantities. I can bathe in the morning, and by about midday or so while I am at work, I smell a really bad odor, and it is very unpleasant. Is it possible that I may have a STD? If so, what can I do to fix it? Please help me. I seek this advice desperately. I don't have anywhere else to go. What is the best way I can go about fixing this? I always read the forums, and I see a lot of people getting help. I hope I can get some help. Thank you very much.


It's always a good idea to get regular STD tests if there is a clinic in your area. However, the most common causes of abnormal vaginal discharge are fungal and bacterial infections that are not related to STDs. Dietary deficiencies, stress, prescription medications, birth control pills, hygiene, and immune system problems can all contribute to yeast infections and other types of vaginal infection. Some women simply have less of a natural resistance to overgrowths in vaginal flora than others do.

When you see a dramatic change in vaginal discharge and odor, there is most likely some kind of infection present. Vaginal infections occur when the normal microbial environment in the vagina falls out of balance, leading to a deficiency and/or an excessive bloom in one or more types of beneficial bacteria or flora.

One example is when prescription antibiotics kill benevolent bacteria throughout the body, including vaginal bacteria, allowing an overabundance of yeast (candida) to grow. These infections are annoying, uncomfortable, and potentially embarrassing, but easily treatable. It is important to treat vaginal infections, since chronic or recurring infections may develop into more serious health conditions.

Yeast Infections and Progesterone

Candida is a fungus that exists symbiotically in the body. It is normally found in small amounts throughout the digestive tract and in some mucus membranes, including the walls of the vagina, where it is known as vaginal yeast. The combination of the yeast's interactions with other beneficial organisms and the body's immune mechanisms generally regulate its population. If you get symptomatic yeast infections, it's because the normal checks and balances that prevent them are being somehow suppressed or thwarted.

Progesterone imbalance, particularly excessive progesterone, can lead to an increase in vaginal secretions due to the way that the hormone stimulates cell shedding in the cervix. This increased discharge upsets the internal environment of the vagina enough to increase the risk of infection.

Progesterone supplements can result in an overabundance of progesterone in the cervical area, and are known to trigger yeast infections in some women, particularly when administered through a vaginal suppository. The influx of progesterone that occurs monthly near the beginning of menstruation can also increase the risk of vaginal yeast overgrowth in susceptible women.

Taking Charge Naturally

NOTE: If you have never had a yeast infection, it would be a good idea to see a doctor to make sure that the diagnosis is correct, so that you know what it is if it occurs again.

Fortunately, there is a plethora of natural and noninvasive adjustments you can make to your diet and lifestyle to treat yeast infections and abnormal discharge. (ALSO SEE: Vaginal Infection Relief & Detoxification) Using male condoms during sex, taking probiotic dietary supplements, and even the bacterial cultures found in yoghurt can aid in prevention. There are also several herbal supplements available that can help.

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观看次数: 77


笔记编号: 60052

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