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Why Can’t I Get Rid of Gardnerella Vaginalis

What is causing repeat infections in the vagina? Are there instances that antibiotics cannot completely treat vaginal infections?

Case #: 496


I have had gardnerella for the past 6 months. My doctor has treated me with 2 antibiotics but neither has worked. She says my husband should be checked for this as well. My first question is how do I get rid of it and does my husband needs to be treated also. I look forward to your answer.


Gardnerella vaginalis is a type of anaerobic bacteria that is able to infect and colonize the vagina. As the usual Lactobacillus bacteria is also anaerobic, it doesn’t make much sense that this new bacteria should cause such an issue.

The problem lies in the distinctly fishy odor it creates, along with unusual discharge colors and textures. It is generally treated with antibiotics, which have been found to work very well against the outbreak. However, in instances where the immune system of the vagina has been compromised, antibiotics might not be enough to throw off the invasive bacteria and reinstate the good.

Stress Test

Many things effect how well the vagina is able to defend itself from microbial invasion. The same behaviors that lead to you getting a cold can also lead to your getting a bacterial infection. Poor eating habits, lack of sleep, high stress levels, improper hygiene; practices such as these make it impossible for your vagina to properly protect itself.


Unfortunately, it also appears that the bacterial colony you’re experiencing has built up an immunity to the antibiotics you’ve taken. If the colony has survived both treatments, it appears you’ve created a kind of super colony that is resistant to antibiotics. I would suggest strengthening your immune system before attempting another course of antibiotics, or whatever your doctor prescribes.

Rites of Passage

Because you continue to be infected with gardnerella, I think even beyond a weakened immune system and antibiotic resistance, you should look into having your partner treated for the infection as well. It could be that he’s hosting the infection, but that his immunity is strong enough to hold off a true colonization, and is thus not showing symptoms of the disease, but still continually reinfecting you. As it does seem that you’ve cultivated an antibiotic resistant strain, both you and your husband should be treated for the more rigorous infection.

Natural Remedies

Perhaps you want to pursue an antibiotic free course of treatment. In this instance, you might try inserting a tampon that’s been soaked in plain yogurt, or gentian violet solution. Plain yogurt contains the Lactobacillus normally present in your vagina; by regularly inserting a Lactobacillus rich environment into your vagina, perhaps the oppressive Gardnerella strain can be overcome.

Likewise, by soaking a tampon or sponge in an antibacterial, antifungal, antihelminthic solution of gentian violet, and applying it regularly to the area, the continuous topical presence of the mixture might better fight the infection. To treat the infection from the inside out, try taking an herbal formula. Many herbs are naturally antifungal and antimicrobial, such as tea tree, while others soothe and heal irritation and inflammation, such as calendula. Echinacea and Goldenseal boost your immune system to better fight the invasive infection.

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Blog ID: 59400

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