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White Discharge during Intercourse Symptomatic of a Vaginal Infection

She experiences pain and unusual discharge after intercourse with her boyfriend. Both are concerned because the symptoms only persist after sex. She suspects his girth may be the culprit.

Case #: 407


After intercourse with my boyfriend, I noticed a white discharge left on his penis. Sexual intercourse is sometimes a bit painful, but I believe it is due to his girth. The white discharge is sticky but does not smell. And it is thick and at times a bit chunky. This discharge only happens during intercourse.

My partner and I are both very worried about it and would like to know what it is. If you have any suggestions, that would be great!


The symptoms you are experiencing – white discharge and pain during sex – are those of a vaginal infection caused by bacteria. Yeast infections are one of the most common kinds of bacterial infections caused by poor hygiene, frequent sexual activity, high levels of toxic waste in the body, excessive masturbation, drug or alcohol abuse. Once you treat the infection, your symptoms will stop and allow you to return to a normal, healthy lifestyle.

Normal Vaginal Discharge

The vagina is a delicate area regulated by an acidic pH balance that discourages the growth of bacteria. To further cleanse itself, the vagina routinely produces discharge ranging in color from clear to cloudy white. White flecks and a thin or stringy consistency are also normal.

Discharge odor and hue usually change throughout a woman’s menstrual cycle, especially during times of ovulation and sexual arousal. It is important to note the vagina’s pH levels increase just before and during menstruation. In turn, the acidity decreases and makes a woman more susceptible to infection.

How to Tell if You Have a Bacterial Infection

Abnormal discharge is the first sign of a vaginal bacterial infection. Specifically, thick and white discharge that resembles cottage cheese points to a yeast infection. Additional symptoms of this condition include redness around the vulva, pain and swelling in the vaginal area, excessive itching and painful sexual intercourse.

A yeast infection is inflammation of the vagina caused by excessive fungus. Yeast is always present in the vagina and goes largely unnoticed if numbers are kept at a minimum. But fluctuations in the vagina’s pH levels can cause these bacteria to grow rapidly into an infectious state. Symptoms vary from mild to moderate and may be complicated by pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes or weakened immunity. Yeast infections are not sexually transmitted diseases, but can be passed between partners during intercourse.

Up to 75 percent of all women experience a yeast infection at some point. It is a good idea to speak with your doctor if you are unsure of your symptoms or experience tearing or cracking in the skin around your vagina. If you suffer from four or more yeast infections per year, you may need an aggressive form of treatment to stop the bacteria from growing.

Restore Your Vaginal Health

One of the first steps to treating and preventing bacterial infections is to change your lifestyle habits. Wear cotton underwear, manage stress and eat a balanced diet that includes yogurt with live and active cultures.

Avoid tobacco and alcohol. Practice good hygiene by avoiding perfumed sprays and tampons, wiping from front to back after using the restroom, and changing into dry clothes after exercising or swimming. Homeopathic remedies include simple herbal formulas designed to stop bacterial infection symptoms and help the body eliminate tox

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观看次数: 105


笔记编号: 59204

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