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Color Changes of Vaginal Discharge from White to Yellow then to Slight Brown

She is suffering from vaginal spotting and yeast infection due to a sudden drop in progesterone.

Case #: 35070


I'm married but I'm not on birth control pills or medications. The opening of my vagina has been itching lately for over a week. The color change of my vaginal discharges worried me. Before it was whitish; lately it's yellowish to slightly brown. Few days later when I was cleaning it, there was a little blood on my finger. I wiped my finger with a cotton ball to confirm it -- it was fresh blood.


Looks like your ovarian function is acting irregularly. The spotting is an indicator of an irregularly sudden drop of progesterone in the uterine lining. The ovarian function is controlled the pituitary gland's release of the hormones LS and FSH or by the nervous and hormone feedback control in the brain's hypothalamus. Both the pituitary gland and hypothalamus can be impaired or disabled by a number of factors, including sexual exhaustion, drug or medication use, and poor diet, among many others.

A slight spotting of blood can be trapped by the vagina, mixed with the cervix mucus and oxidized to brown or black depending on the quantity of the blood. Due to the presence of blood, vaginal yeast can becomes very active and propagate very fast. Yeast can change the smell and color of the mixed cervix mucus. As a result, you get yeast infection and bad vaginal odors -- sour or fishy.

Use Vaginal Relief & Detoxification Formula to stabilize your pituitary-ovarian function, detoxify the uterus, cervix and vagina, and boost neuro-immunity to prevent yeast outbreak. Yeastaway Vaginal Suppositories has many homeopathic ingredients to combat infection.

You can also try to douche with infusions made from antiseptic herbs such as calendula, garlic, goldenseal, fresh plantain, St. John's wort, or tea tree oil, along with herbs such as comfrey leaves to soothe irritation.

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Blog ID: 58778

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