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Tips for Males: All-Around Improvements In Sexual Performance
There's a special kind of pride men feel from knowing that they've done a good job, especially when it's doing something for his partner. And if it's part of enhancing the sexual experience, it's even better. But what can you do if you don't want to take the famous little blue pills? Actually, you can do lots of simple, straightforward things, and you can probably start right now.
The Heart Of The Matter
Your penis may be what defines you as a man, but what defines it is the hydraulic pressure of the blood that forms your erection. If your heart isn't up to maintaining the pressure, or if you've got leaks or clogs or both in the blood vessels that serve your penis, your erection won't perform to anyone's satisfaction. Take care of your heart and circulatory system, and they'll take care of your erections.
Work It, Mister
Even the thought of sex probably gets your heart racing, and the act itself can do even more of the same. You'll gain more enjoyment by keeping the rest of you in good physical condition. Make a point of breaking a sweat... running, swimming, biking, or whatever... for half an hour each day. No matter how you do it, it can only give you more stamina and increase your libido. The added bonus of shedding a few extra pounds will also work in your favor.
Eating Right
“Let food be your medicine, let medicine be your food.” This was true for the ancient Greeks and it's true for us today: the nutrients in healthy food not only maintain your general health, but specific food choices can enhance your sexual health.
  • Good blood circulation is critical for strong erections; you can improve it by eating onions, garlic, and sources of Omega-3 acids like fish, olive oil and avocados.
  • Your genitals work best if your blood pressure remains at a healthy level. Bananas can help keep it low; chilis and peppers do the same, with the additional benefit of reducing inflammation.
  • Peak sexual performance requires strong nerve, literally and figuratively. Pork, peanuts and kidney beans are good sources of vitamin B1, a potent nerve-food.
This Must Be Stressed
There's no way to avoid stress, and ignoring it can increase your heart rate and blood pressure to unhealthy levels. But some ways of dealing with it are better than others. Eating healthy portions of eggs can give you a boost of several B-vitamins to help balance your hormone levels. Regular exercise, getting enough sleep, even just talking with your partner about what's getting you stressed can improve matters.
Check Those Habits
Common responses to stress include consuming alcohol, smoking and doing various drugs. While there is evidence that a particular level of alcohol consumption (based on your weight) may be beneficial, drinking more than that quickly builds up problems that outweigh the benefits.
Try replacing the habits with demonstrably healthy ones, liking going for a run or eating something good for you and seeing if your sexual performance improves.
Practice And Training
For those times when you don't have a partner to practice with, masturbation can help you improve your sexual stamina. Remember that you can also train yourself to ejaculate too quickly if you rush it, so do what you can to make the practice go as long as you want the real thing to last.
Teamwork In The Bedroom
You're doing all this self-improvement to enhance your partner's enjoyment of sex. So shouldn't you be paying attention to what your partner actually wants, thinks and feels? Likewise, your partner should know how to interpret your needs, the better to maintain the mood in case something happens.
Ask For Help
Like certain complex jobs, some sexual problems are better handled by a professional. Or at least, learning to deal with them yourself is easier if you've got an expert teacher. A licensed health-care provider can help you if you're up against something that you just can't seem to settle on your own; and the sooner you get the help you need, the sooner your bedroom performance will be back where you and your partner want it.
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