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Don't Leave Her High and Dry Between the Thighs – The Secret to Unlocking the Female Orgasm
The female orgasm can seem like a Rubik's cube of impossibility, especially if you suspect that your girlfriend or wife has been faking it for the last few years. It may surprise you to learn then that the female orgasm isn't some magic code that you have to unlock with “A, B, A, B, Up, Down, Left, Right, Start.” Your penis size isn't that important, and your technique is only part of the battle. The real trick is learning how to create the right mood. If you can seduce her mind, you can seduce her body. Consider the following tips for leaving her breathless.
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  1. Don't jump right into it. For guys, sex is easy. With enough friction, we can make an orgasm happen even if we're humping two pieces of bread. But women are a little more complicated than that. They need touch; they need foreplay; they need mental stimulation. So start off slowly, and work your way up to the actual intercourse.
  2. Learn to use your tongue like a pro. According to Psychology Today, only about one quarter of women regularly achieve an orgasm during intercourse. You read the correctly. That's 1 in 4. The majority of women require clitoral stimulation, so if you want to make the magic happen for her every time, you're going to have to get “all up in it.”
  3. Find out what she likes. A lot of guys feel awkward about talking to their girlfriends and wives about sexual fulfillment. After all, if we can't satisfy the women in our lives, it makes us feel like we're not manly enough. That, of course, is ridiculous. How can you find out what gets her motor running if you won't even sit down and talk to her about sex? Hell, you can even make a sex game out of an orgasm, if that helps. “You be the professor, and I'll be the student.”
  4. Laugh more, even during sex. That's right. Research has found that laughter can increase the odds of achieving an orgasm by raising the level of endorphins in the body. Just make sure she's not laughing at the size of your penis.
  5. Recommend an herbal remedy designed for female sexual stimulation. If you have tried absolutely everything, and nothing seems to make the magic happen, she may have a legitimate disorder involving clitoral sensitivity. Botanical remedies can treat this condition. Just be very tactful when bringing up the subject!
Sex is a Two-Way Street
Do you want to know the real secret to satisfying her in bed? It's simple, and it can be summed up in one sentence: Stop making sex all about you. Focus on her desires and her needs, and you'll be amazed by how quickly things turn around for you. You're going to have your orgasms no matter what; that's a given. So show her the time of her life.
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