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Sex Position: Foolin’ Around

Scientists found that stimulating touches further enhances the sexual experience. Touches, especially unpredictable ones, to the genital and body make for an alluring sensation few will complain about. Foolin’ Around provides a suitable option for tingling his or her body parts in the most intense way possible. Men and women who vary their touches with speed, pressure and motions of the hands, i.e., circular motions of the palm or up and grazes with the fingertips, enjoy the experience the most.
Women will want to lie toward the edge of the bed. Men, stand up, bend over a bit, and spread your woman’s legs. Once in position, apply light and varying motions. Ladies, do the same. Change the pressure and speed of your hands. The key to Foolin’ Around is unpredictability

Why He’ll Love It:

Ladies, light grazes and fast, deep penetrations of his fingers will prepare you for sex. In fact, these motions will further your chances of having a more meaningful orgasm.

For men who need a bit more practice exploring your body, this position will work out great. Just be aware ladies, any foul odor or discharge from your body will make this experience extremely unpleasant for your partner.

Why He’ll Love It:

Males, watching your partner masturbate will provide a welcomed sense of stimulation. Except in this instance you’re doing the pleasuring.

Just don’t dose off while you’re receiving the pleasure. Remember, pay attention to the verbal cues of your partner. Breathing, moaning and desire for faster, deeper insertion will show you when she’s near an orgasm.

About This Position:

Sex Position Number: 73
Difficulty: For Novice Couples
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For:  P.E.
Other Positions You May Like: Side Bets
Ideal Penis Size: N/A
Stamina Required: N/A
Flexibility Required: N/A

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Views: 236

GuideID: 61144

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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