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All Jammed Up – Male Infertility Caused by Retrograde Ejaculation
Recently I’ve received some inquiries from worried men who have been experiencing an alarming phenomenon when they come to orgasm. These men have normal sex lives. They have lively libidos, hard erections, and the stamina of champions; however, despite the fact that they regularly have intense orgasms, they are noticing that their ejaculations are dry. Nothing comes out. 
These men are very worried about what this means for their chances of fertility. Will they never become fathers? Do they have to tell their partners that reproduction is not an option? Luckily for them – and for you, if you’re experiencing the same problem –this is not a sign of infertility. It is called reverse or retrograde ejaculation and it’s not the end of reproduction.
The problem is one of logistics, not of supply. By that I mean that your worst fears of being unable to produce sperm are not real. You’re able to produce sperm, but it’s just getting sent to the wrong place. Due to a malfunction of the bladder sphincter, the semen is going up into the bladder, instead of taking its normal route--out the urethra. 
Causes of Retrograde Ejaculation
If you’re diabetic, it’s a good bet that your diabetes is the cause of your reverse ejaculation. It is a common result of poorly controlled blood sugar, which negatively affects the bladder sphincter. It weakens the surrounding nerves and causes it to dysfunction.
The problem is also a common side effect of a number of different medications, usually antidepressants and antipsychotics, but also those that treat prostate enlargement. It can also occur if you have had surgery on the prostate, bladder neck or abdomen.
Prevention and Natural Solutions
If you have diabetes, the best way to prevent reverse ejaculation is to control your blood sugar well. This will ensure that you don’t get nerve damage that affects the bladder sphincter.
If you are prescribed medications for high blood pressure or a mood disorder, be sure to ask your doctor if reverse ejaculation is among the side effects. You might be able to use an alternative medication or adjust the dosage to a level that will minimize your chances of experiencing this troubling symptom.
If you, as I am, are wary of pharmaceutical solutions and prefer to try natural and holistic remedies before gulping down the latest chemical concoction from Big Pharma, you have a couple of options. One is the Harmonic Qi Gong technique. This manifold solution involves meditation as well as breathing and visualization exercises designed to stimulate the innate power of your body to heal itself. It is a harmonic approach to health that has been used by Tao masters and Buddhist monks for centuries. 
You might also be interested in an herbal retrograde ejaculation solution to relieve your diabetic symptoms and ameliorate the problem of reverse ejaculation. A blend of Ashwagandha, Bitter Melon, American Ginseng, Ostrea Gigas, Pyrola and Saraparailla can reverse the nerve damage caused by improper blood sugar control and also mitigate the severity of side effects of antidepressants and antipsychotics. They also help you recover from complications caused by prostate surgery.

So if you are experiencing infertility from retrograde ejaculation, don’t abandon your dreams of parenthood. There many solutions to the problem.

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GuideID: 61142

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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