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A Bladder in Pain - Painful Bladder Syndrome affects millions, hindering everyday activities

An affliction suffered by many women is that of a painful bladder. Painful Bladder Syndrome (PBS) also known as Interstitial Cystitis (IC), is characterized by symptoms of extreme discomfort and pain afflicted upon the bladder that are not caused by bacterial infections or other common and identifiable causes. Vibrator abuse against the urethra and vulva from inside and outside the vagina results in PBS, chronic pelvic pain, and a constant burning of the urethra.
It doesn’t matter if it is the persistent burning, the irritation, or the frequent need to go to the bathroom - a painful bladder can put an abrupt end to any number of activities. It can certainly disrupt a potential intimate encounter, as a woman suffering from the disorder may regretfully have to interrupt sexual activity just as she may need to suddenly depart social gatherings, etc…

A urinary bladder disease, Interstitial Cystitis is distinguished by symptoms of urinary frequency and urgency.  Constant feelings of pressure or pain in the bladder or pelvis are also inherent to the syndrome. Typically, the pain will increase as the filled bladder expands. In some related instances, the pain is experienced through the urethra during urination. The difficulties associated with the condition are as varied as everyday activities; driving, waiting, long walks, exercise, sex, work, etc… all may be hindered by the constant distractions of pain and urgency.
A long delay in initiating a strong urine stream is common to the syndrome as is pain during sex. Although the disease was previously considered a condition primarily limited to menopausal women, growing numbers of younger females are now diagnosed with it. The bodily chemical causes of the condition can affect all ages, and are very similar to those of urinary incontinence: an excessive dopamine to epinephrine conversion, a weak parasympathetic nervous function and a weak serotonin nervous modulation of the sympathetic nerves in the urethra and bladder; an over-expression of COX-2 for excessive prostaglandin E-2 leading to over-stimulation of the urethral and bladder sympathetic nerves; an under-expression of COX-1 leading to insufficient prostaglandin E-1 for retaining/restoring the integrity and healing the abrasion damage of the local nerves, blood vessels and tissues during or after sex;  and/or a lack of serotonin and melatonin in the pelvic receptors.
Although there are medications designed to treat PBS, drugs like Bladder Coaters, Antidepressants and Anti-Spasmodics all feature adverse side effects and questionable potency. This is why a growing number of women prefer the natural herbal solutions available, such as the Natural Relief Formula For Painful Bladder that gradually rejuvenate the neuro-endocrine function, modulates levels of dopamine and serotonin, and improves nervous function while reducing stress and inflammatory hormone production, boosting prostaglandin E-1/E-3 and Nitric Oxide production for healing and relief of bladder pain.

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Views: 224

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty, painful bladder

GuideID: 61008

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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