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Coffee-Table Sex--Without The Coffee
How many different sexual positions have you tried in your lifetime? Do you long for sexual encounters in new, different and maybe even far away places? Magic carpets and sex along beaches have their appeal, so do the backseats of most convertibles. But using furniture transforms the experience from traditional humdrum to the eccentric.
Even though sex is always interesting, changing how and where you do it only enhances the experience. New locations provide a more profound orgasm for couples. And the coffee table, the most common piece of furniture that sits in the center of most rooms, offers the right location and accessibility to enhance your sexual experience. 
The Coffee Table--Much More Than Caffeine
The coffee table has always been the center of living room action, a place where people gather, eat, drink, or God forbid, place an ashtray. While the coffee table functions as gathering point for people and food, it too can serve as the focal point for your sex life. It can make traditional sex positions more alluring, and while these positions are not G-rated, you’ll be able to enjoy some X-rated pleasure. 
The sensuality of the coffee table offers its own mystique because of the commonly associated uses. How many instruction manuals have ever said, “for sex uses only”? People gather around coffee tables. They talk around it. Eat dinner on it. They even use it as a footstool while watching television. But have sex on it?
Despite its intended uses, positions such as Cream and Sugar? lend themselves well to fulfilling your sexual escapades. And after using your table for something other than coffee, you might just say thank you, silently and happily. While family and friends are sitting around it and eating on it, they’ll never know what you and your partner just used it for!
Before trying any position on your coffee table, make sure you clear off any books, candles (not the kind of heat you want), vases, remotes, glass objects or items with sharp edges. These items can be uncomfortable but also potentially dangerous. An orgasmic trip to heaven is one thing, but being rushed to the emergency room is quite another!
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Views: 204

Ideas: Sex,Coffee, Caffeine

GuideID: 60687

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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