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Men Who Smoke Prone to Erectile Dysfunctions
Everyone knows that smoking can lead to a variety of devastating, potentially fatal conditions: lung and throat cancer, emphysema, heart disease, stroke, etc. If those dangers aren’t enough to make you snuff out cigs for good, here’s one more threat that will probably get your attention: smoking has been proven to be a direct cause of erectile dysfunction!  

That’s right, those cigarettes that calm you down and allegedly help you look cool can not only kill you, but they can also stop you from taking care of business in the bedroom!  Fortunately, there are some great herbal solutions to counteract the negative affects of nicotine on sex.
Cigarettes sabotage male sexual performance in two ways:
1. Nicotine damages the blood vessels that power erections and 
2. Tobacco causes an imbalance in serotonin, the chemical associated with sexual stimulation.  
When affected by nicotine, blood vessels tighten up and reduce peripheral circulation. This prevents blood from rushing to the penis to enable an erection.  Blood is literally the life force that powers erections so, without an ample supply of blood, it is impossible for the penis to become fully hard – no matter how aroused a man is!

The Cause of ED Crisis Behinds Middle Aged Men
Reduced serotonin levels cause underperformance of the parasympathetic nerves, which are responsible for stimulation.  Without adequate stimulation the penis does not experience the sensation necessary to hoist an erection.
These conditions can worsen over time. As nicotine builds up in a man’s system, the danger of erectile dysfunction (ED) can increase.  Research has revealed that many middle age men struggling with ED have been smoking for years. The majority of young men plagued by ED also have the nicotine habit.
The good news is that men who experience smoking-related sexual problems can benefit from herbal supplementation. These all-natural treatments help cleanse away nicotine residue and repair damaged blood vessels and penile tissues.
Here is a breakdown of some beneficial herbs and their positive effects:
  • Cistanche – promotes firmer erections and repairs damaged tissues in the penis.
  • Epimedium Grandiflorum – improves erectile hardness by restoring production of nitric oxide.
  • Tribulus Terrestis – boosts testosterone levels.
  • Tabacum – flushes tobacco residue out of the body.
  • Rehmannia Glutinosa and Mucuna Pruiens - increases detoxification of tobacco and nicotine. 
  • Nux Vomica – relieves withdrawal symptoms (such as headache, irritability and constipation) that occur when a person tries to quit smoking.
  • Lobelia Inflata – calms the craving for cigarettes by creating a physiological aversion to the taste of tobacco.

If smoking is ruining your sex life, take heart!  Herbal remedies may hold the key to restoring your sexual vigor while also improving your overall health.

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