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Orgasm Dysfunction 101

Orgasm Dysfunction is the inability for a woman to achieve the peak of climax or sexual excitement in sexual activity. There are many causes to Orgasm Difficulty; it may be physical or psychological.
It is estimated that between 40 - 50 million women in the U.S. experience sexual dysfunction. Sexual dysfunction for a woman is just as devastating as it is for a man. Lowered sexual drive and the inability to have an orgasm can have a negative reaction to a woman's sexual health. Up to 43% of women suffer from female sexual dysfunction, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association (1999). While male sexual problems have traditionally received the most publicity, only recently has research begun into the problems that plague female sexuality.
A woman's inability to be orgasmic may also be caused by a preoccupation or over-concern with the orgasmic response. The determination to have an orgasm is self-defeating, because it may create a high level of anxiety. Anxiety interferes with sexual stimulation, arousal, and sexual play without having an end-goal in mind.
Damage to the nerves in the sexual organs may also be a cause of orgasmic difficulty. Lack of nervous response lower the stimuli required to achieve an orgasm. Nervous damage can be causes by intercourse without sufficient lubrication. High intensity vibrators cause damage to nerves over a period of uses.
Hormones are directly responsible for female sex drive and libido. Hormonal imbalance results in difficult arousal and the lack of sexual urge. A diminished libido can result in difficulty becoming aroused and ultimately achieving climax or orgasm.

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