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Waiting for the Stork - An examination of the potential causes of infertility

So many young women live their lives with dreams of finding the right man, getting married, settling down, and starting a family. They often anticipate this ideal chain of events as early as childhood. They may even start planning for them before a relationship with a man has been properly secured.
Put frankly, it’s a big deal.
And no fairy tale romance is complete without blessed events - the birth of children. Given this investment of hopes and dreams, it is easy to recognize how profound an adverse revelation would be if, despite constant and passionate ‘trying’, a young couple were to consistently emerge empty handed; if it appeared as though they were unable to conceive.
What are they to do? Unfortunately proper testing may not always fully pinpoint and correct the issues of infertility, (which is defined as the inability to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year). A process of elimination is necessary.
Although most couples achieve pregnancy within six months, ten to 15 percent of couples do not. After a year of unprotected intercourse, nearly all couples will conceive. Those that do not usually will - eventually. But once a year is passed, they can be ‘officially’ considered infertile.
The reasons behind infertility may vary, pertaining to either party in the couple or both. A third of all infertility cases involve only the male partner, another third focuses on the female, and in the remaining percentage, both are indirectly responsible.

In males, issues with sperm are generally to blame. A number of factors can affect sperm count and their ability to move (motility) or fertilize the egg. Abnormal sperm function, hindered delivery of sperm, general health and lifestyle, overexposure to environmental toxins, and a man’s age are the most common causes of male infertility.

For a woman, the most frequent causes include: damage or blockage of the fallopian tubes; endometriosis (the implantation and growth of uterine tissue outside the uterus);  ovulation disorders; elevated prolactin; early menopause; uterine fibroids and pelvic adhesions. Age is also a factor for women. As they grow older, their reproductive systems and functions gradually decline. Hormone secretions are affected, poor reproductive health and irregular menstrual cycles develop, all contributing to difficult conception. 
Plus, when women are stressed, their hormones and metabolism are tweaked. In fact, infertility is sometimes the manifestation of poor health. Many fertility doctors and counselors would agree that women who are overweight (or underweight) have greater trouble conceiving.
By all accounts, an organic diet is recommended. Foods that might be contaminated with pesticides should be avoided. Such poisonous chemicals can build in the body, sometimes over years, and affect the reproductive hormones. Bottled water and microwave-able foods are stored or cooked in plastic containers that release chemicals that can be harmful to the endocrine system and should be avoided as well. Recent findings show that even the volatile oils in coffee beans can agitate the adrenal glands and influence tissues that interact with the reproductive hormones.
Obviously, it is important for the body to be a healthy breeding ground. Not unlike healthy soil rich in nutrients that serve as the essential building ground for new life, there are natural formulas that can help to balance the hormonal system and encourage fertilization.
The herbal ingredients in the Botanical Remedy For Delay & Difficulty Conception formula are known to increase blood flow to the uterine lining and ovaries while the nutrients stimulate the body’s innate ability for tissue restoration and rejuvenation. And, many herbs in this formula help women release the aforementioned stress by reducing stress hormones in the body.
The Natural Female Reproductive Tonic, another popular formula, is a synergistic blend of herbs that help vitality, energy, balance & overall health of the female reproductive systems. The herbs in the remedy will keep the reproductive system operating at peak efficiency.
Of course, it’s always best to check with a doctor and perhaps even a fertility clinic when enduring a prolonged struggle to get pregnant. It’s important to note that in today’s medical environment, there is virtually no reason to become discouraged by a delayed pregnancy. The science of treating infertility has been developed to a greater rate of success than ever before.

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