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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
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How To Deal With Low Sex Drive in Men
Men with low sex drives start to experience a reduction in sexual desires.  While this change may be normal in men who are growing old, it can present challenges for younger males who wish to enjoy sex. 
One of the most common causes of low sex drive is exhaustion, experienced by young. sexually active males who engage in too much sex. Sexual exhaustion can occur when an individual masturbates frequently, not from just intercourse.

And while men may assume masturbation has no known side effects, the activity can lead to severe health conditions. How? The tissues and chemicals produced during sex can exhaust and ruin the body’s balance of chemicals.  
Getting Back Your Sex Drive
What constitutes as too much sex or masturbation? Well, no definitive answer exists. 
Age, health and frequency of the activity will vary from individual to individual. Younger, healtheir males can masturbate 20 to 40 times a week and still showcase a high sex drive. Older males may be unable to keep the same pace.

Whether young or old, each male will reach a threshold where he can no longer engage in the same sexual activity as before.  
A depletion of hormonal chemicals will lead to exhaustion. To restore the chemicals in safe, effective way, may require all-natural products, such as Butea Superba, Bee pollen, Catuaba and Cistanche. Herbal Male Libido Formulas & Aphrodisiac Herbs contains these nutrients and minerals that improve the production of testosterone and energy for a better, longer sex drive

Additionally, you should keep a healthy diet. Make sure you eat food that is sufficient. Do not overfeed just so you can get your energy back and avoid starving yourself just so you can lose weight since this can cause further complications. If you keep these details in mind, you will be able to regain your lost sex drive within a very short period of time.

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GuideID: 58771

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