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Sex Position: Stretcher, Please

Stretcher, Please will require some practice to get right, but the workload makes for the ideal situation for both man and woman. And men, if you enjoy watching the act of penetration, you’ll love the view. Now ladies, your man will not have all the fun because you too will get excited by the angle of your body. Each thrust upward will likely target your G-spot.
Gentlemen will want to start off by sitting with their legs spread apart. Men, you will need to use your elbows for support, so if you have an issue with the extra weight on your shoulders, avoid this position. Next, ladies, sit on top of your man. Once he penetrates, go ahead and recline using your elbows for support.

Why She’ll Love It:

Ladies, if you can support yourself on one elbow, do it! Here’s why: with your free hand, provide yourself with plenty of clitoris stimulation while he gently thrusts in and out of you. And you might be surprised, he may just find your elusive G-spot with enough searching.

Why He’ll Love It:

The view of her sliding up and down your penis will make for a hot and exciting view. But what’s a view without the pleasure? Well, Stretcher, Please gives you the appropriate pleasure to get you excited for sex. Just be warned, with this angle, you may experience more sensation than you want. Men with P.E. issues caused by anxiety or stress should avoid this position.  

About This Position:

Sex Position Number: 27
Difficulty: Guru
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her:  High
Not Suitable For: Men with P.E. caused by anxiety or stress   
Other positions you may like: It’s Purr-Fect
Ideal Penis Size: 7 inches +
Stamina Required: High
Flexibility Required: High

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Views: 120

GuideID: 58683

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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