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PMS Cramps Your Style - Understanding the cause of the monthly pains

The distress and pain of menstrual cramps associated with PMS are normal and usually endurable. But for many women, they can be a primal source of discomfort and unnecessary stress. Prescription and over-the-counter medications are made widely available, but they’re effectiveness is always of debate. Cramps related to PMS are simply a fact of life that women bravely endure. But, why? What causes these pains that are so unpleasant?
Each month, a woman’s uterus prepares for possible pregnancy. If none occurs, the temporary lining within it (the endometrium) breaks down and sheds. Estrogen and progesterone hormone levels decline and molecular compounds called prostaglandins are released. These compounds cause the muscles of the uterus to contract, thereby constricting blood. The contractions block the delivery of oxygen to the tissues of the endometrium and literally squeeze the old tissue through the cervix. It is then expelled from the body through the vagina.
Menstrual cramps are caused by these uterine contractions that occur in response to the chemicals dominated by the prostaglandins. The cramping sensations are made worse when clots and bloody tissue are forced through the cervix (especially if the cervical canal is particularly narrow).
It is the prostaglandin levels that determine the severity of menstrual cramps. Women with painful menstrual cramps have greater levels of prostaglandins in the endometrium compared to women who do not experience the associated complications. Monthly menstrual symptoms such as bloating and breast tenderness are usually due to a deficiency of magnesium. That is why magnesium is included in many time-proven, all natural remedies such as the PMS: Pretty Miserable Syndrome – No More! formula that many women prefer over pharmaceutical pills. It serves to properly moderate prostaglandin levels and release fluid retention that causes bloating.
The PMS formula will also help to rejuvenate a woman’s neuro-endocrine function and dispel the blood clots that contribute to cramps by thinning the blood and promoting progesterone metabolism into androstenedione, then to testosterone, and finally into estrogen. This will relieve PMS pain and improve mood while boosting prostaglandins and Nitric Oxide production for healing.

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Views: 232

Ideas: Women's,PMS Problems,menstrual cramp

GuideID: 58659

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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