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It's Date Night: Positions for New Couples
One of the best parts of being in a new relationship is getting to know each other intimately. I remember the first time my boyfriend and I had sex. We drove out to the edge of town and enjoyed a picnic under the stars. I was so impressed with how much planning he had done, and how romantic the date was that I knew that would be the night.

However, I also remember how nervous I was to do the deed. At the time, I had only been sexually intimate with one other person, and I hadn't had sex in awhile. Of course during my dry spell, I had lost a lot of self-confidence, and I was worried that I would do something he didn't like. 
Because of my fear, I held back sexually for quite some time. My boyfriend even asked if I found him sexually attractive. That's when I decided that I had be less shy in bed. I was to have either rip-roaring sex or dull, frustrating sex. I started searching for new sex positions to brush up on my old, dusty moves, and soon I made our sex life into a game. Every week, my significant other and I plan a date night, and part of that planning is picking a super titillating position for the night. Along the way, we've found some really good positions that I know you'll enjoy too.
Comfort Is Key: Making Sex Accessible
I think every man can agree that a good blowjob can fix a lot of issues. In my house, we like to view date night as our little four-hour escape from our sometimes very stressful lives. So after a great meal and maybe a movie, the Head-Ache is one of my man's favorite positions to unwind with. Not only is it a nice cherry on top of the date, it's also amazingly comfortable. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for acrobatics and swinging from the rafters when it comes to sex. But, after a nice low-key night, I'd rather play it slow and sensual. 
It's A Twister!
If you’re in the mood for something a little more playful, say after a night of clubbing or bar hopping, then look no further, and behold the Twist-Her. This position will hit all the right spots that you probably had no idea existed. It's become a household favorite in my neck of the woods, though our neighbors might tell you otherwise. This position is great for new couples who are just dipping their toes into the kinky waters. In fact, once you feel comfortable with your partner, you can spice up this position by adding some furry handcuffs to the mix. 
Let Go And Let Live
Like I mentioned before, the beginning of the relationship is the most exciting time you will probably have with your partner,  just short of getting married or having a child. Do not waste this time holding back. Let your partner in on what really makes you tick both sexually and emotionally.

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GuideID: 58644

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