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Remote Cock Rings: Pleasure for Him and Her

Imagine being able to make a woman orgasm from 50 yards away. That’s the promise remote cock rings offer. These small, discreet devices allow men to wear a cock ring and ladies to insert a vibrating device inside their vaginas. Men can then control the vibrations from a few feet away.

You can imagine the possibilities; you can see the inherent dangers too. But for the voyeuristic couple, the couple who teems on excitement and spontaneity, a remote cock ring provides excitement.

The advantage gives males the ability to surprise women with a random vibrations and orgasms throughout the day. For women with difficulties reaching an orgasm, a sudden surprise vibration can give them a jolt of pleasure and a well-needed variation to achieve a climax.

Orgasm Difficulties: A Common Female Issue

Some ladies tend to experience troubles reaching an orgasm, and according to studies, psychological issues can plague women and keep girls from reaching a climactic end. From psychological issues such as anxiety and depression to more constant mental worries as stress and frustration, the female mind can keep the body from climaxing. An unexpected surprise can catch a woman at a relaxed time. A sudden jolt can offer a welcome need of pleasure during a long day. And the random vibration can find a woman exhausted but ready for a climax.

Benefits of These Remote Devices

These remote rings provide pleasure from a distance, and while ladies receive most of the excitement from afar, males too can enjoy some satisfaction. The added tightness of a ring can make any sexual encounter a bit more exciting. Men and women can enjoy the

  • Improved erectile strength
  • Stronger orgasms for both men and women
  • Elevated endurance for males
  • Increased sensation

For men and women looking to experience a new form of excitement, a remote cock ring can add the right pleasure from close or afar. With most devices operating from distances of up to 50 yards, males can flip the switch from the other side of the house and give their wives or girlfriends a jolt of unexpected excitement.

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Blog ID: 63510

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