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Sensual Screwing Local Motion Technique

Yes! This is the loco-motion of the sexual dance! This technique is not hard. “It’s a lot easier than learning your ABC’s”! This technique is documented in Su-Nui-Ching, the ancient Chinese Sex Bible that helps couples re-charge their sexual energy and exchange bioenergy to promote self-healing within. This technique is especially beneficial for women that have clitoral & vaginal numbness, vaginal spasms, a tipped uterus, tubal ligation, or an inability to reach orgasm.

It is important that the male counterpart maintains a firm erection lasting at least 20 minutes. The solid erect penis is acting as a screw driver that controls the screwing locomotion, gently massaging several vaginal zones to rejuvenate vaginal abrasions or damage caused by a vibrator, tipped uterus, tubal ligation, or aged vaginal tissues.

Steps For Him To Perform:

  1. Use the forehead of the penis (glans) to gently massage the clitoris, until vaginal lubrication has started
  2. Slowly insert the firm half of the penis into the vagina
  3. Inhale deeply and imagine a sunny hot energy flow between your eyebrows, directing the flow down to your abdomen, then exhale when you reach the tip of the penis. Repeat two more times
  4. Penetrate deeper and perform clockwise screwing motion to allowing the penis to massage her Epicenter (Anterior Fornix Erogenous Zone).
  5. ‘French’ kiss each other erotically (using lips and tongue)
  6. Swing your hip clockwise and push-in. Swing counter-clockwise and push-out.
  7. Repeat couple times for up to 30 minutes.

Control your swinging and screwing motion to induce orgasmic response. Continuously massage the vagina through these motions, stimulating a mass production of oxytocin and estrogen, uterine contractions and greater secretion of vaginal lubrication.

The spirit of the technique is coincidentally found in the old pop song, “The Locomotion”. To help you remember the steps involved and get the rhyme of this technique, remember:

“Everybody's doing a brand-new dance, now I know you'll get to like it if you give it a chance now You gotta swing your hips, now Do it nice and easy, now, don't lose control A little bit of rhythm and a lot of soul Come on baby, do the Loco-motion with me”

Of course, to truly make these lyrics come alive, it is important that the man has enough testosterone, cGMP, and nitric oxide to power and sustain a firm erection during the entire therapy section.

It is essential to take herbs such as Cnidium monnieri, Curcukigo ochioides, Tribulus terrestris, Cuscuta chinensis, Catuaba, Lepidium meyenii, and Morinda officinalis to replenish erection energy, increase blood flow, and enhance penile tissue tenacity. These herbs also help to strengthen the parasympathetic nerves to prevent early ejaculation.

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Blog ID: 63495

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