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Vasectomy, Leaky Penis, & His Miserable Sex Life

A 39 year-old man is suffering from weak erections and premature ejaculation as a result of getting a vasectomy.

Case #: 45126


I am a 39 year-old male, never done any drugs, never smoked and have never been drunk. But I made a wrong decision that put me into misery for the rest of my life. When I was 28 years old, I had a vasectomy. I thought that surgical procedure would end all my worry about getting my wife pregnant and saved money for buying condoms.

Two months after the vasectomy, I started having an excessive amount of precum whenever I am aroused. I didn’t that would be a big deal; perhaps my reproductive system is making adjustment.

Now my world has flapped upside down. My wife cheated on me. We got divorced 2 years ago. I plan to get married again. But now, I am having problems with ejaculating too quickly. Still having lots of precum with foreplay to the amount of being embarrassing, at first ejaculating within minutes, then within seconds.


It sounds like your problems stem from your vasectomy. Vasectomies can lead to weak erections, and weak erections in turn lead to premature ejaculation.

The main effect of a vasectomy is to reduce testicular function and in turn deplete the level of testosterone in the body, which can lead to symptoms of sexual exhaustion. Testosterone is necessary to charge the brain's acetylcholine, parasympathetic and dopamine functions during a sexual encounter, resulting in a firm erection. Insufficient levels of testosterone leads to insufficient acetylcholine and parasympathetic function, resulting in a weak erection. This, in conjunction with a weak DHEA production, will result in pains or cramps in the back, groin, and legs. In addition, ejaculating without sufficient dopamine can desensitize vision and hearing nerves.

A vasectomy can also trigger depression and other symptoms of male menopause. The sympathetic nerves stimulate the white adipose tissue of the epididymis, the inter-scapular brown adipose tissue, as well as the pancreas, liver and adrenal medulla, while the vagus nerve stimulates the pancreas and liver. Vasectomy surgery results in a cutting of the vagus nerve sensory circuits which connect to the pelvic cavity, including the bladder, urethra, penis, prostate and testicles. After a vasectomy, the sperm pressure inside the epididymis will interfere with or suppress the brain's metabolic functions as well as normal sexual responses by modulating change in sympathetic and vagal outflow. This is why the sperm pressure inside the epididymis can induce psychological and physiological disorders unless your pituitary abandons its testicular function. This can also lead to premature ageing of the testicles, inducing male menopause.

Weak erections also lead to premature ejaculation problems. When a man experiences a weak erection, he may contract the muscles around his genitals in order to aid the erection. By doing so, he subjects the prostate gland to added pressure and stress. This added load on the prostate can mimic orgasmic contractions and precum will lubricate the urethra, leading to premature ejaculation.

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Blog ID: 61567

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