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Feeling Blue? No Sex for You

What do marijuana, hair loss, low libido and soft erections have in common? The answer may surprise you. Hear one guy's unfortunate story, and learn how your body may be betraying you.

Case #: 760


I am a 45-year-old male I have been taking Finasteride for hair loss 12 years off and on. From 39 to 44 years of age I smoked about 10 lbs. of pot due to depression. I stopped using Finasteride and pot in July, which is 8 months now. Still no libido or sex drive. I can only get a semi-hard erection and haven’t had morning erections in years. I can’t maintain a healthy relationship with a lady. I am very embarrassed about this. I was encouraged to read some of the many stories of people that have been helped. Is there any help for me? What can I try? I want to be able to have my full head of hair again to have confidence to have a relationship and get my sex drive back to how it once was. Thank you for all you’re doing.


If the Scarecrow had suffered your symptoms, the Wizard of Oz would have been a very different movie. Unfortunately, I'm not the Wizard, and I don't have a firm penis or a head of hair in my bag of tricks, but I think I may be able to point you in the right direction.

Why is This Happening?

You're correct to assume that excessive marijuana use and common prostate medications can lead to the symptoms you're experiencing. Prostate medications inhibit 5-Reductase, which causes DHT levels to drop. As a result, your libido diminishes, your hair starts to thin, and the quality of your erections suffer.

In addition, marijuana use increases the production of inflammatory hormones like prostaglandin E2. Too much of this hormone causes the arteries to constrict, thereby inhibiting natural blood flow to the penis. It's a lose-lose. I mean, you take marijuana to relax, but there's nothing relaxing about hair loss and impotence. So how do we get back on track?

Getting Back on Track

You've already taken that all-important first step. You kicked the drugs cold turkey, and for that you should be proud. But we still have more work to do. How's your diet? Do you smoke? Do you masturbate daily? As you have probably read on this site, chronic masturbation can contribute to a wealth of physical and sexual problems, due to the resulting imbalance of hormones. Your lifestyle habits will play a huge role in your physical recovery after years of abusing your body, so consider an exercise regimen, healthy diet and sensible habits. Getting in shape can also work wonders for your self-esteem.

When Eating a Salad Isn't Enough

Considering all that your body has endured, chances are you'll need to do more than simply join a gym and cut back on the tacos. Improving your overall health may result in a noticeable improvement in your sexual function, but it won't fully restore your libido or erection, and it certainly won't remedy the hair loss.

For that, I would recommend a botanical remedy targeted for hair loss and improved sexual function. (SEE: Severe Hair Loss Formula) Consider this: Suma reduces inflammation to the hair follicles, while Yumberry contributes to the production of new hair cells. Green Tea extract also boosts follicle production while Cuscuta helps to restore your natural, healthy hormone balance.

You can find remedies with all of these essential ingredients and more. If you're feeling depressed, I would urge you not to turn to numbing agents, whether they be in the form of marijuana, masturbation, alcohol or even anti-depressants. As you can see, this only makes the problem worse without addressing the real underlying problem. Speak to a professional if the depression persists, because taking care of yourself starts from the inside.

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观看次数: 105


笔记编号: 61536

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