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Infertilidad masculina
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Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
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Last Longer with Patience and Practice

A 21-year old male wants to improve his endurance.

Case #: 28545


I am 21-years old, and I ejaculate much too soon. Whenever I engage in sex, I often cannot last longer than 5-10 minutes, sometimes even less. My premature ejaculation continues to make sex un-enjoyable—for both myself and my partner. I want to feel like a sex god. I want to make my partner scream at the top of her lungs. I want to last for long stretches of periods. Please, help me improve!


As a young man, you may not have too many problems as older gentlemen may. Still, young men can too become anxious or sexually exhausted, issues that can lead to premature ejaculation. Performance anxiety prevents a man from adequately gaining or maintaining an erection. In addition, performance anxiety can cause a man to explode long before he may want to. As for sexual exhaustion, some young men tend to over-masturbate, which can weaken their ejaculation valve and cause premature ejaculation.

You’re new to sex. You’re not going to be a sex god in a matter of weeks. In fact, you’re going to ejaculate prematurely a few times because of the anxiety you feel. It’s normal. Except you may be feeling anxious longer than most men. Some men tend to feel anxious due to a psychological problem. To fix it, you have to relax. Calm down. Take a deep breath. When you’re engaging in sex, do not get overexcited.

Sexual Exhaustion
Young men tend to over-masturbate. It’s natural. Most young men are curious about their bodies—so they explore. Some, explore a bit too much. You may be one of these individuals that has masturbated too much to a point where holding an ejaculation is, well, difficult. You need to stop masturbating as much. The more you masturbate, the further you deplete your serotonin levels in your body. Serotonin, a neurotransmitter produced by the brain, controls mood—and your ejaculations. When levels dip, so do your abilities to control an ejaculation.

Tips for Improving Endurance
The most basic advice is just to relax. The more comfortable you feel with your partner, the more relaxed you will be. Communicate with your partner often. Discuss your needs and hers. Communication, practice, and time will ensure your mind is relaxed.

Relaxation aside, you may want to take all-natural supplements that help improve your endurance. Think of these supplements as nutrients your body needs. Formulated with special blends of herbs, most supplements will allow you to last longer by stabilizing your body’s hormones and strengthening your ejaculation valve.

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Blog ID: 61528

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