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Poor Immune System Caused by Over-Masturbation

Masturbation is regarded as safe—not to mention free—means of practicing autoeroticism. Most men regard it as an act to alleviate any type of frustration, from work-related tension to basic sexual aggression. While today

masturbation remains a prevalent act, especially for teens, masturbating has not always been socially accepted. For instance, during the religious-heavy Middle Ages, it was considered a sin and a crime to masturbate. Even in Indonesia today, men who masturbate can be punished.   
Maybe the banning of masturbation can be a good thing, espeically since it can quickly turn into an addiction. It can start off as just a once-a-week routine. Then it transforms into an every-day ritual for some men and women. While masturbating once or twice a week may be healthy, masturbating each and every day can present some health risks.

Immune System
Masturbation is known to be a fun, pleasing activity for some men. It too can be an activity that ruins the immune system. Masturbation depletes the body of necessary hormones and neurochemicals essential to the body’s well-being. When an individual masturbates in excess, his body loses these necessary chemicals, resulting in a weakened immune system.
Cat’s Claw Immune System Boost
Grown in the jungles of Central America, Cat’s Claw helps promote immune system. Men who masturbate in excess often notice:
  • Common cold takes longer to alleviate
  • Headaches become more prevalent
  • Infections require longer healing times
If you battle sickness constantly and masturbate in excess, you too may have a weakened immune system that prevents you from properly fighting infection. If you have a numerous amount of symptoms, take Herbal Remedy For Sexual Exhaustion & Dysfunction for faster recovery.
[More Details +]

Views: 218


Blog ID: 61271

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