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She CAN orgasm - with a little help!

I absolutely love sex and I have a very high sex drive… but the greatest problem is that I have never been able to achieve orgasm… I have been unable to achieve my climax through any form of sex, oral or vaginal.

Case #: 24729


I am a young woman in my twenties and I have been sexually active for a few years now. I have also had different partners. I absolutely love sex and I have a very high sex drive, which is sometimes even a problem for my partners. But the weird thing is that I have never been able to achieve orgasm. I don't masturbate because it does not give me pleasure at all and therefore I have not achieved climax that way. I have been unable to achieve climax through any form of sex, oral or vaginal. It is very frustrating for me, and for my partner as well. I know that it is much more difficult for a woman to orgasm vaginally, so I have tried oral sex and clitoral stimulation, but it does not work.

I like oral sex but clitoral stimulation seems uncomfortable to me. I am unable to relax because it is an uncomfortable feeling. At first I thought that it was my partner that was the problem, but then it was the same happened with all of my partners. I really feel like this is a problem in my sex life and I even feel guilty because I know that some of my partners try and there is just no orgasm. I feel like there is something wrong with me. Could that be possible, or do I just have to try harder? I don't know how relevant it is, but I also have great discomfort and dysmenorrhea during menstruation. My uterus is also slightly tilted to the right. Is it possible that I am just not capable of it? I would really appreciate your advice and professional opinion.


Your tilted uterus indicates that your autorhythmic fibers (the Orgasmic Pacemaker) have been shifted to the right. In the normal condition, the energy "pipe" (a branch of the Conception Vessel of the acupuncture network, running from the clitoris to the uterus/ovaries) and the sexual nervous axis (terminals) formed by the clitoris, G-spot and Epicenter are located at about the 1-o'clock position on the ceiling of the vaginal wall. That is about 15-30 degrees tilting to your left groin.

This orgasmic axis is what the Finger Pliers Method is supposed to stimulate for sexual orgasm. The Finger Pliers can reach the Epicenter when the uterus is temporarily and slightly prolapsed as a result of the testosterone deficiency in the high-temperature state of the body.

In your case, the orgasmic axis is "twisted" from the 1-o'clock position at your vagina orifice to the 10 or 11-o'clock position at the end of your vagina. Therefore, you must be stimulated at the 10-11 o'clock position. You can ask your partner to stimulate you with his left hand by using the Finger Pliers Method.

According to what you described, I do think you can achieve orgasm - if he hits the right spots. You can ask him to test your sex organs with this method. To bring you up to orgasm, it requires a high-speed and high-pressure stimulation.

Note: For the normal uterus, the twisting force should be toward the left in order to stimulate the orgasmic axis.

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Blog ID: 59483

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