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How Does Human Organ Restoration Work On Improving the Tissue and Functions of Islets in Langerhans?

Diabetic patients tend to suffer from various erectile and erection dysfunctions, including impotence, premature ejaculation, and reverse ejaculation. In fact, reverse ejaculation problems are due to damaged nerves in the bladder tissue caused by diabetes. To understand how diabetes affects your sex life, you must understand how islets of Langerhans region of the pancreas functions.
The islets of Langerhans, which originates from the hepatic diverticulum and the dorsal wall of duodenum in embryogenesis, is part of pancreas. To understand the ailments of diabetic treatment, medical practitioners stimulate the liver and duodenum in order to improve the multiplication of pancreas cells and insulin.
The deficiency of insulin is directly related to the islets of Langerhans. Treating diabetes involves Improving the tissue and functions of islets of Langerhans. The proliferation of islets of Langerhans was promoted by organ transplant in western medicine, or by the application of proper Chinese medicinal herbs.


Proliferation of B-Cells

Two types of cells control the level of blood sugar in the islets of Langerhans: A-cells, which increase the level of blood sugar; and B-cells, which decrease the level of blood sugar. By stimulating B-cells to secrete insulin, the body can treat Diabetes Mellitus.
However, long-term drug stimulation wears out the pathologic cells of islets of Langerhans and inhibits automatic secretion. Oral drugs can control early diabetes, but if the disease becomes serious, oral remedies cannot not control diabetes.
Besides, the stimulation of B-cells has no effect on some early patients whose islet B cells were already in a failed state. Therefore, the proliferation of new B-cells help secrete insulin and treats diabetes. If there are 20% normal B-cells remaining, the body can induce new cells with proper Chinese medicinal herbs.


Improving Transformation of Insulin

The insulin secreted by islets of Langerhans in the earliest stage is called "insulin factor," which transforms insulin because of bile, liver secretion that aids digestion and enzyme. This transformation is called the "translating" process. Some individuals suffer from diabetes because of the malfunction of the "translating" process.


Regulating the Balance of Muscleglucogen and Hepatic Glycogen

Food are made up of three basic compositions: carbohydrates, proteins and lipid fats. For metabolism to take place, the above three substances require insulin to transformation and combust carbohydrates.
Thus the carbohydrates absorbed are closely related to the levels of insulin. Since organs partially consume insulin, the distribution of insulin helps release muscle glycogen. Therefore, the balance of blood sugar may be affected by the disturbance of hepatic function or utilization of human body.


Increasing Body's Ability to Respond to Insulin

Acceptors help the human body utilize insulin. If the amount or the sensitivity of the acceptor is decreased, the insulin cannot go into effect. Overweight patients tend to have decreased acceptors, which is the obesity increase the risk or Diabetes Mellitus. Decreasing excessive lipid should be considered one method for treating Diabetes Mellitus. The Chinese medical herbs have satisfactory effects for decreasing lipid fats.

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