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Pot Smoking Hard on a Penis
Smoking marijuana may seem like just another way to relax. But, most men who smoke probably never realize the tough blows their penises take each time they take a drag.
Marijuana use advocates rarely talk about the impacts the drug can have on a person’s organs, including the penis. In fact, marijuana changes a person’s body chemistry, not only causing damage to the brain but other organs including the penis. Things can really go downhill for long-time stoners – men can suffer from sexual dysfunction, such as impotence and low sex drive
Every Puff May Mean One Fewer Erection
Each time a man takes a hit of marijuana, his body raises its level of prostaglandin E-2, a hormone that relaxes the muscles. Too much of this hormone can cause the body to inflame and close the arteries leading to slow blood flow to the penis. This means soft erections.
What Really Happens When You Are Getting Stoned
Many people probably don’t know how much they are hurting their bodies whenever they take a hit from a pipe or light up a joint.

Marijuana contains delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol, a chemical that damages the barrier between the blood and the brain impacting the productions of acetylcholine, which acts as a neurotransmitter in the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system and controls blood flow. Without this critical barrier, deadly toxins can enter the brain.

When these toxins stay there for a long time, cells and organs, including the prostate, penis and brain are damaged.
Besides the lack of acetylcholine, marijuana use also impacts the amount of nitric oxide that is produced. Nitric oxide is the main neurotransmitter and chemical mediator of penis erections. This neurotransmitter actually is used to arouse the penis. In a nutshell, these neurotransmitters take a hit and so does a man’s ability to get and keep an erection.
Weeding Out the Problem
First and foremost, men who want to get hard again should kick the marijuana habit. But, there is also additional ways to help wake up a penis such as taking a combination of herbs like Bupleurum, Alima Plantago, Rehmannia, American Ginseng, Milk Thristle, Guarana seed, Cornus and Coscuta
Bupleurum aids in the increase of liver function and Alima Plantago works to speed up the detoxification process. American Ginseng is important because it helps with nitric oxide and acetylcholine production and Rehmannia helps get rid of the toxins.

Milk Thristle helps the gallbladder and liver and Guarana seed boosts energy levels. Finally, Cornus improves blood flow to the penis and Cuscuta helps a man maintain an erection longer.

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GuideID: 59640

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