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Infertilidad masculina
Dolor y lesión testicular
Dolor y lesiones del pene
Bajo deseo sexual
Masturbación excesiva
Erección débil
Agrandamiento de la próstata
Eyaculación precoz
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Male Erogenous Zones
Erogenous zones provide sexual hotspots that when kissed or licked can improve a person’s pleasure. For women, the erogenous zones differ to that of a man’s, and ladies who remain unsure of what and where to kiss will need a bit of assistance. These spots too make great areas to kiss a man who suffers from erectile issues.
Kiss Here
Fernelum: The fernelum holds the foreskin to the penile glans, and when kissed or licked, the fernelum creates intense pleasure.
Coronal Ridge: The coronal ridge, the rim of the penis glans (the head of the penis), contains a number of nerve endings that make the entire area sensitive.
Urethra Meatus: The slit of skin where urine exits the penis too makes for a highly sensitive area.
Ears: Kissing and biting the ears can present plenty of steamy opportunities to whisper all the naughty things you want to do. So kiss, nibble and bite on his ears.
Lower Abs: Right before fellatio, you’ll want to stop by the lower abs to tickle, kiss and lick. The added moisture from the kisses will develop plenty of sexual tension for your partner.
Inner Thighs: As with the lower abs, the inner thighs should serve as a pre-kissing zone before reaching the penis. The thighs provide a great pre-warm up for the action that will soon commence.
Eyelids: Close his eyes and kiss his eyelids. The supple feel of your lips will provide him with plenty of sexual tension and lots of joy to this delicate area.  

A little bit of teasing provides plenty of satisfaction to a man awaiting the big prize. Some men may benefit from these small bursts of pleasure that will get males in the mood, especially guys lacking the necessary motivation.

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GuideID: 59570

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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