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Reasons to Say Yes to Sex Even When You Want to Say No

Sooner or later, every couple will hear the words, “Sorry, Honey, I’m just not in the mood.” The words will not come from just ladies, but men too. Yup, men will sometimes eschew sexy time because of exhaustion, stress or, dare we say, watching sports.

The words can agitate. The words can lead to a bit of ill will toward your partner, but eventually, everyone will hear these words spoken. Despite the audacity of your partner to say no, you too can find yourself saying the words. Before you do, understand the importance of saying yes, even when you want to say no.

Reasons to Say Yes
  1. Exercise: You skipped your cardio session at the gym, and now you need a bit of physical activity to burn a few calories. Saying yes to sex will not burn a high amount of calories, but some are better than none.
  2. Less Stress: You might consider sex fun, but what you tend to forget is how great sex is at reducing stress.
  3. Reduce Pain: Your pain threshold can experience an improvement, and individuals with arthritis pain notice a reduction to the discomfort.
  4. Stabilizes Your Sleep Cycle: A little bit of sex can increase the melatonin levels that help put you right to sleep.

Before you rush to say, “no,” think of how happy you’ll make your partner by saying “yes.” You might not be in the mood now, but after you start to make love, you’ll notice your desires will change.

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GuideID: 58667

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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