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Discovery of Natural Solutions To Menopause

During menopause, the ovaries do little to alter hormone balances. Instead, the entire endocrine system becomes affected, explaining the bevy of different symptoms experienced. Many organs--from the hypothalamus in the brain to the adrenal glands above the kidneys–become altered, causing a varying degree of symptoms from person to person. Since the fluctuation and deficiency of various hormones affects different organs, menopausal women need to take different natural solutions to relieve them from the effects of their specific set of symptoms.

Menopausal women should adjust their diets to be rich in whole, natural, unprocessed foods, such as fresh or organic fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, seeds, nuts, and healthy fats. Consumption of soy foods should be increased because of its higher phyto-estrogen and isoflavone concentration that helps relieve hot flashes and night sweats. Soy also helps fight osteoporosis and  heart disease.

Bioflavonoids, rutin, Vitamin C, hesperidin, and quercetin have strong anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help to strengthen capillaries and relieve menopausal hot flashes.

Herbal formulas can relieve different symptoms of menopause. Most herbal formulas contain phyto-hormonal molecules. Some formulas interact between the endocrine and nervous system, for example, Evening Primrose Oil and Dong Quai help alleviate a bevy of menopausal symptoms.

Dong Quai
  • Dong Quai is recognized as the ‘female ginseng,’ since it’s effect on women’s health in a similar fashion to that of ginseng on men’s health
  • It is often used in a hormonal balancing formulas that relieve symptoms of menopausal hot flashes, menstrual cramps, lack of menstruation, or frequent menstruation
  • Considered as a female fertility herb, which provides various nutrients essential to the uterus
Wild yam 
  • Wild Yam (Dioscarea villosa) is a powerful estrogenic herb used by menopausal women for centuries
  • The progestogenic properties of the Wild yam help to reduce the symptoms of menopause
  • Has a good anti-inflammatory action and gives relief from menopausal arthritis  
Evening Primrose Oil
  • Evening Primrose Oil contains gamma linolenic acid (GLA), which can alleviate vasomotor symptoms such as menopausal flushing
  • Many menopausal women claim that Evening Primrose Oil is effective in relieving both menopause-related breast pain and premenstrual cyclic breast pain
Soy Isoflavone
  • Reduce the frequency & severity of hot flashes and night sweats
  • Reduce bone loss for both pre- and peri-menopausal women
  • Improve arterial elaasticity for better cardiovascular health
  • Eliminate excessive fluid in the body by tonifying the excretory system for menopausal weight gain
  • Has a soothing and tranquilizing effect on the nervous system
  • Relieves tension, anxiety, and insomnia  
Menopausal women experience slightly different circumstances. One may have more several symptoms, while another may only have one. A combination of natural herbal and diet supplementations has been proven effective.
[More Details +]

Views: 178

Ideas: Women's, Menopause

Blog ID: 63708

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