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Climax Control Herbs & Pills For Healthy Nerve Cell Signaling

Last Longer, Feel Stronger, Live Better

It’s no secret that sex is one of the best stress reducers. Once you have that release, you feel emotionally stable. For men, achieving the release is simple. A few strokes and BAM, they’re done. For women, it takes a bit more to feel the euphoric, stress-reducing orgasm. Men who finish up in a few strokes can leave women angry. A woman can start to question a man’s ability to please her if the male continues to prematurely ejaculate.

Healing herbs can help with the following:
  • Stop premature ejaculation and delay climax
  • Calm the nerves and reduce performance anxiety
  • Strengthen & rejuvenate ejaculatory nerves damaged by diabetes
  • Strengthen the ejaculation reflex arc for better control & stop excessive precum leakage
  • Increase the body’s natural ability to enjoy prolonged pleasure

The ability to control and delay ejaculation depends upon the strength of the parasympathetic nerves and chemical messengers that respond to sexual impulses. The highest concentrations of these nerves are centered

within the lumbar region of the lower back. Damaged, weakened, or overworked nerves are the most common cause of premature ejaculation.

Formulated To Fix Premature Ejaculation & Nerve Damaged Based On These Healing Herbs:
Nervous Dysfunction Is the Problem

Prolonged nervous system dysfunction and depletion of neurotransmitters can often lead to various ejaculation disorders, such as uncontrollable,rapid ejaculation.Taking a synergized herbal blend of Astragalus Complanatus (Flatstem Milkvetch Seed), Cornus Officinalis, Atractylodes Macrocephala,Bupleurum chinense, Os Draconis (Long Gu), Rosa Laevigata (Fructurs Roseas Laerigatae), Cynomorium Songaricum, Pyrola Calliantha, Passion

Flower, and Mucuna Pruiens can significantly increase and repair the cellular activity of the sexual parasympathetic nerves and improve the exchange of hormones and nutrients around the genitals.

Undergoing Thermal Image Studies

These thermal images of patients are used to measure the metabolic activity of cells and nerves. Low activity is marked in blue, showing very little chemical conversion and stimulation. High activity is indicated by bright red, revealing the heat is emitted from the chemical and metabolic reactions between cells and nerve tissues.

Stage 1
This patient has a very difficult time controlling and delaying ejaculation. From this diagram, you can see that the cellular activity between and around the groin area and the lower back are low and insignificant. The organs of the body reflect the same low metabolic rate.
Stage 2
10 Days after taking the herbal blend, the blood flow and cellular activity (shown in red) of the body has increased, especially to the genital area, via the sexual nerves leading from the lower back to the area of the groin that contains the parasympathetic nerves which are responsible for ejaculation control. The patient now experiences fuller erections and his ejaculation control has improved.
Stage 3
After 20 days of taking the herbal blend, the cellular metabolism has significantly increased throughout the entire body (shown in red). The hormones responsible for sustaining a firm erection and ejaculation control are finally flowing to the sexual organs and nerves.
Stage 4
After 30 days of taking the herbal blend, the patient's blood flow and cellular metabolism has almost returned to normal. The sexual nerves leading from the lower back to the genitals have been repaired. The organs have been rejuvenated and can now provide more nutrients and hormones to the body. The patient's ability to control and delay ejaculation has dramatically improved.
[More Details +]

Views: 4261

Ideas: Men's, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 63484

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