Your Guide to Breast Enlargement
Each year the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery releases a list of the most popular surgeries
throughout the year. In the past, rhinoplasty, liposuction, tummy tuck and face lifts have taken the crown. According to the Huffington Post, breast augmentation was crowned the most popular plastic surgery of 2012. With 330,000 breast augmentation surgeries performed in 2012, the number continues to rise, placing women at risk of depleted bank accounts, injuries and even death.
But why do so many women choose to enhance their breast size with high costs and injury risks? For some women, breast augmentation improves their self-image. For others, surgery helps them conform to the beauty standards created by society. And according to studies conducted by Body Image Concerns of Breast Augmentation Patients (2003) and Body Dysmorphic Disorder and Cosmetic Surgery (2006), most women opt for surgery to minimize depression and self-esteem issues. But despite the risks to injury, women do have alternatives that include no risks to their health—or their bank accounts.
Understanding Breast Development
Breast development begins at puberty. During the breast-development stage, known as "thelarche," estrogen stimulates the development of fat and suspensory tissues until the age of 21, giving each breast its size and shape. And since each breast contains adipose tissue, tissues that change in size and volume during hormonal changes, the size of the breast can vary during menstruation, lactation and menopause.
But what exactly determines size? Breast size, as with height and weight, depends on hormones, medical conditions and morphological variations of the body that determine size, spacing, density and volume of each breast. Hormones, such as estrogen, progesterone, prolactin, prostaglandins and human growth factor, all serve critical roles in determining the size, shape, spacing and volume of the breasts. An imbalance to these hormones, or any alteration to your physical health, can lead to poor breast development.
Ever feel your breast get heavier during sex? Because of increased blood flow due to arousal, your breast will increase in densitity momentarly, giving breasts a heavier feel.
Phyto-Estrogen - A Gift From Nature
For healthy women, an imbalance of estrogen or proestrogen can lead to a devoid of adequate breast tissue. Thanks to phyto-estrogen, a chemical compound found in all-natural supplements, the body can mimic the production of estrogen and progesterone. And according to scientific research, breast tissue growth occurs during the presence of estrogen, progesterone and human growth factors. By stimulating the production of these hormones, females can see an improvement in the size and volume of their breasts with enough hormonal restoration.
Natural Approaches
All-natural supplements, compared to surgery, do not include risky health injuries. Instead, they provide a natural approach to restoring the body’s imbalance of hormones to improve the size of the breast. Of course, natural supplements will not provide instant results, but they can grant gradual improvements to the size and volume of your breasts.
Herbs that aid in breast enlargement include:
- Saw Palmetto, which improves digestion, supports gland function and serves as a sexual stimulant for increasing the size of breasts.
- Pueraria Mirfica functions as an effective blood cleanser that balances hormones.
- Dong Quai, according to Chinese medicine, serves as a hormonal balancer that too aids in digestion.
- Damiana functions as a mild stimulant, restores natural sexual capacities and balances female hormones.
- Funugreek increases breast size, increases milk production for fuller breasts while minimizing symptoms of menopause that can lead to smaller breast sizes.
- Blessed Thistle increases oxygenation and aids in circulation for improved hormonal balance.
- Wild Yam relieves PMS and menopausal symptoms that alter hormonal balance.
Breast Massage for Fuller Breasts provides an exercise for enhanced blood circulation and elasiticy of the breast tissue for improved breast tissue, while Enhance the Breast Line by Exercise provides techniques to improve the chest muscles for a fuller, firmer size.
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