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Pump, Stretch and Pop – The Painful Truth About Penis Enlargement

Hear one man's painful story of penis enlargement gone terribly wrong, and learn how you can avoid the same fate.

Case #: 1442


I have tried penis exercises, pills and even pumps, especially pumps to increase the size of my penis but that was to no avail. I feel like I have done damage instead of good for my penis. My penis seems to be smaller and not as sensitive as it used to be. Also, while I was using the penis pump I felt and heard a pop in the head of my penis and now I have noticed the head of my penis doesn't get as big or firm. I do have one question, is the damage that I did to my penis irreversible? I don't want to live with this for the rest of my life.


Erectile dysfunction drugs, penis pumps and stretching exercises...we call this the trifecta of penile abuse. If you treat your penis like a balloon animal, eventually the schnauzer is going to pop. The effects aren't irreversible, but depending on how much damage you've done, you may have a major uphill battle ahead of you. Before you do anything else, you'll need to toss those pumps and pills in the trash where they belong.

The Internet – An Epicenter of Bad Ideas

When it comes to penis enlargement, there are a lot of bad ideas out there. These bad ideas have been around for centuries, but the Internet has brought them to the masses like never before. Just perform a quick Google search for “penis enlargement,” and you'll see everything from penis pump product listings to painful how-to guides. Unfortunately, there are a few things they don't tell you. For instance:

  • Penis pumping can actually cause blood vessels to burst (you're crossing your legs right now, aren't you?).
  • Vigorous stretching can damage nerves and tissue, while doing absolutely nothing to promote improved size.
  • Erectile dysfunction pills may offer the illusion of short-term improvement, but they can cause severe long-term damage, including dependency. Before long, you need a pill fix just to achieve an erection. Just say no to penis drugs.

The Causes of Your Symptoms

There are a lot of physiological issues at work here. Hormone imbalance diminishes your penis size by weakening the quality of your erection and depleting your supply of HGH (human growth hormone). The related tissue and blood vessel damage makes it difficult to achieve and maintain a firm erection, while also reducing your sensitivity. And as for the pills...keep taking them and you may even increase your risk of heart attack. As you can see, there really are no winners here. But it's not too late; you can still get your mojo back.

And Now for the Real Secret to Penile Restoration

If you want to encourage real growth in an organic way, ditch the pills and stick with natural herbs. For instance, Cimicifuga helps to restore damaged tissue, while Soy isoflavones help to replenish your HGH levels and Alisma Plantago aids in nerve growth. There are a number of herbal remedies available with these and similar botanicals, and they really do offer the best hope of both recovery and growth. (TRY: Natural Formula for Penis Nerve Restoration & Injury Repair) I'm not saying it will happen overnight, but with a bit of diligence, you will notice results. Whatever you do, just don't go running back to the pump.

What to do

Penile Injury & Nerve Rejuvenation Solution For Chafing & Bruises

If you suffered from an injury to your penis caused by a penis stretching device, penile exercise equipment or a penis pump, this solution can help heal the tissue and blood vessels.

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Views: 233

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 62103

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