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Suffering from water intoxication symptoms

His exercising and sexual exhaustion induced kidney pain, cloudy urine and blurred vision, a warning sign that his body is in a state of crisis.

Case #: 45072


I get lower back pain around the kidney area, cloudy urine, and fuzzy vision sometimes after exercise. If I masturbated and ejaculated more than once, my eyes then become fuzzy and some eye floaters appeared.


Excessive masturbation has weakened your endocrine system and kidney. Your exercises may have triggered your body to produce excessive amounts of the stress hormones epinephrine and cortisol, burned too much blood sugar, depleted electrolytes and dropped insulin in your bloodstream, leading to kidney pains, cloudy urine and blurred vision.

During or after prolonged exercise, drinking too much water without electrolytes resulted in excessive epinephrine and cortisol leads to inflammation and inflammatory pain in the tissues, joints, kidneys, hearts, eyeballs, liver, prostate and bladder. That is why your eye pupils dilated too much resulted in blurred vision.

Depletion of blood sugar and insulin result in dizziness or vertigo. If left untreated, excessive epinephrine and cortisol along with depletion or excess blood sugar and insulin can damage your erectile tissues in the tunica albuginea and its sheathing spongy corpus cavernosa, resulting in penile shrinkage.

If you are going to exercise for a long period of time, be sure to drink a sports drink containing electrolytes. Take adoptogenic herbs from Herbal Treatment For Eye Floaters & Blurred Vision to help you rejuvenate your organs, improve neuro-endocrine functions, and relieve your eye problems.

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Views: 168

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation

Blog ID: 62001

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