Too Big to Rise With the Sun: How Weight Impedes Morning Erections
He’s almost forty, and his morning wood is gone. Is this a normal thing for a man? Could it be caused by age or weight? What causes a lack of morning wood, and is there a way to restore it?
Case #: 1986
I’ve almost hit forty, and I’ve noticed something new: I no longer get erections in the morning. I don’t know if this is really a problem, or if it’s normal with age, or if my size has something to do with it (I’m more than a little overweight). I don’t have a lot of sex at the best of times, and I haven’t noticed anything besides that I no longer wake up with wood. Any thoughts?
You mention that you’ve got some weight problems. Especially at your age, excess fat can cause a real problem for your sexual functioning as a male. Unfortunately, while extra weight isn’t good for anyone, it impacts male sexuality much more than female. This is because of the interesting way in which our bodies view adipose tissue.
Fatty Follies
Adipose tissue, the scientific term for fatty tissue, is able to generate estrogen from circulating steroids in the body. These aren’t the negative steroids we hear so much of from the sporting world, but your body’s day-to-day steroids, used for creating many other hormones and neurochemicals. However, in a male body, steroids are almost never converted into estrogen. Unlike the female body, which requires some small levels of testosterone for proper sexual function, male bodies were never designed to tolerate estrogens in any quantity.
The more fatty tissue you have, the more estrogen your body is going to produce. And this spells bad news for your sexuality. Estrogen edges testosterone out of the body, and starts creating smaller testes, less firm erections, decreased muscle tone, and a lack of sex drive. Over time, the combination of reduced testes and the presence of estrogen make testosterone levels in the male body very low indeed.
Unsafe Situation
Low testosterone is more than irritating for the resultant lack of erections—it’s downright dangerous. Without testosterone’s natural presence in the body, estrogen is able to run rampant, encouraging breast and prostate growth. This unexampled enlargement can end up the precursor to cancer; such a large increase in tissue is always worrisome, in males or females. Males with high estrogen are also more likely to develop heart disease, due to a thickening of the tissues of the heart.
You really need to cut down on the amount of fatty tissue you have in your body. I know it’s not easy, but if you’re already noticing problems with your morning erections, it won’t be long before you have even bigger worries on the horizon. While I don’t have a specific recommendation on how to lose the weight, I do have something that will help you with your lost morningwood.
Get Your Manhood Back
Panax Ginseng is a powerful detoxifier and body system stabilizer. It also encourages a strong, healthy circulatory system. You need to help your body get back on track as far as hormones are concerned, and this herb will certainly help you.
Besides that, circulation is the biggest benefit to men suffering from erection woes. Panax Ginseng will have you rising up again in no time. It improves the dispersal of the neurotransmitter nitric oxide, which foreruns erection, and will definitely get your blood pumping again.
Don’t wait any longer before taking action for your health! You deserve a better life than what you’ve got.
What to do
Oh, Hello Morning Wood
Known by most men as the morning wood, a ro
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