Over-the-Counter Painkillers, Masturbation and Penis Shrinkage: The Deadly Combination of Two Illicit Substances
He is suffering from chronic back pain and penile shrinkage, likely the result of sexual exhaustion or over-masturbation.
Case #: 45033
Since the back pain started 8 years ago, I stopped masturbation and have been combating with shrinking penis, erection problem and ejaculation disorder. After first 2 years of taking OTC painkillers almost 3-4 pills per day, I start noticed my penis size reduced. It’s over 6 inches when erected, but when the erection goes away, it’s 2 inches long. And the ejaculation is not really an ejaculation anymore; semen comes out slowly like a leaking faucet.
In short, you are suffering from chronic back pain and penile shrinkage. You may not think they're related, but in fact they may be. Both are symptoms of sexual exhaustion due to over-masturbation and over-ejaculation.
To understand what causes sexual dysfunction, you need to understand how the body operates during normal sexual activity. The adrenal glands and sex organs produce androgen hormones which stimulate sexual function in men and are the precursor to the female hormone estrogen. The hypothalamus releases the neurohormone dopamine which results in sexual arousal. When you feel sexually aroused, the brain releases the neurotransmitter acetylcholine into the bloodstream in the sex organs.
Then acetylcholine causes the endothelium in the blood vessels and in the spongy penis chambers to produce an enzyme called nitric oxide synthase that helps to produce the gas nitric oxide. This is derived most commonly from the amino acid arginine or, alternatively, from nitrogen compounds in foods. Nitric oxide then triggers the release of yet another enzyme-induced neurotransmitter, cGMP.
All of these processes, however, break down when you engage in too much sex, masturbation, pornography viewing, or sexual fantasy, and especially when a man over-ejaculates.
In order to reverse the ill-effects of excessive sexual activity, over-masturbation, or over-ejaculation, stop sexual activity for a few weeks. Let your body rest and replenish. Massage your Huiyin acupressure point to rejuvenate the penile tissues for regeneration.
Try Herbal Back Pain Relief solution to help you rejuvenate your neuro-endocrine function, increase flood flow, nutrient absorption, and reduce anti-inflammatory responses around your lower back. This formula also contains many nourishing herbs that can help you to restore prostaglandin E-1 & E-3, oxytocin, and nitric oxide production for high quality erection.
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