Not So Bad... Or Is It?
Here's a guy who's been abusing himself for years: marijuana, alcohol and excessive masturbation. Now, the bill has formed problems of hair loss, shrinking genitals, vision and sleep. Now he wants help to pay for it. Read on, get the facts, and see what you can do if his case seems uncomfortably familiar.
Case #: 1255
I suffer from a lot of symptoms that are listed on your site, some more severe than others, such as eye floaters, hair thinning, sleep disorder and hard-to-control ejaculations. I abused marijuana and alcohol. I also over masturbated while taking drugs and consuming alcohol. As a 23-year-old male, I should not be experiencing these symptoms. Please help!
You've got a lot of problems, whether or not any one of them are “extreme.” As you can see from the chart on this page, the symptoms you describe are signs that your masturbation has reached the “severely addicted” stage.
Bad News First
Thinning hair shows up in the “Severe” stage and beyond. Blurred vision, sleep disorders, nocturnal emissions (which fall under the “Seminal Leakage” symptom) and testicle shrinkage might show up at either the “Addictive” or “Severely Addictive” stage. However, penis shrinkage definitely clinches the diagnosis because it appears only under the “Severely Addictive” stage.
Smoking Is Not Your Friend
Given that you previously smoked marijuana and masturbated to excessive limits, it's a wonder that you have any hair left at all. Whether you're sucking in tobacco or marijuana, you're still introducing several very dangerous chemicals into your body. The song may teach us that “smoke gets in your eyes”, but it also gets into your skin, an issue that damages the tiny blood vessels running between the dermis and the epidermis. Which, in turn, may reduce or eliminate the blood supply to your hair follicles. Beyond that, chronic smoking will weaken your immune system and reduce your ability to grow new hair follicles.
Paying Too Much For Alcohol
And it's got nothing to do with the sticker price or state and local taxes. Too much alcohol in one sitting can upset your ability to achieve or to sustain an erection in a number of different ways. One is by temporarily screwing up your body's ability to generate nitric oxide; this compound is a vasodilator, which means it makes your blood vessels expand, and since your erection is supported by a very complex series of expanding blood vessels, you can see where this issue would become a problem. There are a whole host of other problems, such as increased levels of estrogen and decreased levels of testosterone and dopamine, all of which will reduce your libido.
What Can I Do?
First, you'll have to define “rejuvenating quickly” as taking at least two to four weeks off from all sexual activity, with or without a partner. In addition, you would also be wise to give up alcohol and marijuana consumption at the same time. This is something like going to the hospital after you've been injured, and in a very real sense, you have been. Only instead of breaking bones or cutting skin, you've damaged your liver, lungs and other organs from the inside out.
Start by eating more fresh fruits and vegetables, such as spinach, pumpkin seeds and nuts, especially cashews. Also eat more oats, bananas, avocados and other foods rich in B-complex vitamins. Exercise more, with particular emphasis on Harmonic Qi Gong. Drink lots of water to help flush the toxins out of your system more quickly. And while you are exploring these and other options, you might consider using an herbal supplement designed specifically to address the symptoms at your stage of masturbation addiction. (TRY: Advanced Sexual Exhaustion & Dysfunction Remedy)
Of the three “vices” to which you say you'd like to return, sex is the one with the fewest drawbacks. We recommend focusing on regaining your ability to enjoy it to the fullest, and you may find that you no longer need to use the other two as much, if at all.
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