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Every Man's Worst Fear – When a Vasectomy Goes Wrong

His vasectomy left him with soft erections and an unfulfilling sex life. How does this happen? Learn how common this problem really is, and see the solutions.

Case #: 694


I would like your advice. I am 45 years old and have had a vasectomy. I do not get as hard as I used to. My maximum angle is about 3 o’clock. I would like to get harder and to get hard more often. I am in perfect physical shape otherwise. I have no heart condition or other medical problems. What would you recommend?

Also, when I just start to wake up, my penis is big but not hard. As soon as I wake up, it shrinks. It seems that this is totally due to my brain activity. Is there any way to keep it big when I am awake?


The vasectomy can be a terrifying procedure for a lot of guys (who loves the idea of having their genitals cut open?), but it also offers a titillating proposition: Have all the sex you want without having to worry about pregnancy.

Kick those condoms to the curb, and penetrate the woman of your dreams just as God intended, limitless skin-on-skin. Hallelujah. But of course, as we've seen in countless Hollywood films and Twilight Zone episodes, you have to be careful what you wish for, because quite often, you get more than you bargained for.

Vasectomy – The Untold Side Effects

For the record, millions of men undergo a vasectomy procedure every year, and the majority experience no major side effects. But as with any medical procedure, the risk is certainly there. A small percentage of patients report poor erections, an inability to sustain an erection during sex, and in some cases, even impotence. It commonly results from a constriction process, whereby the semen becomes trapped and dies within the testicles, where it then becomes recycled and constricts the biofeedback loop with the production of metabolites.

As a result, the pituitary gland fails to produce the necessary quantities of testosterone, FSH and other hormones needed for a strong erection.

Without a healthy supply of hormones, your erections are going to feel soft, and that's when you can get an erection at all. Does this mean it's time to reverse that vasectomy and return to the old-fashioned rubber birth control? Not necessarily. Fortunately, there are herbal remedies available that can actually treat the complications of a vasectomy gone awry.

The Solution – No Scalpel Required

I'm going to throw some big words at you. Achyranthes is an herb that restores circulation lost during a vasectomy. Cistanche is another herb, which works to improve blood circulation in the genital region, thereby strengthening erections. Epimedium, also known as Horny Goat Weed, contains a special molecule that promotes strong erections. Saw Palmetto inhibits the production of the inflammatory hormone DHT, thereby allowing for the maximum testosterone production.

These are just some of the herbs that you'll find in targeted remedies for post-vasectomy erection restoration (SEE: herbal treatment for vaectomy recovery). I would highly recommend that you try one of these remedies for yourself, and get that much-needed spring back in your step. After all, the whole point of having a vasectomy is to start enjoying the best, most uninhibited sex of your life. You still can.

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观看次数: 86


笔记编号: 60692

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