Pumped-Up Prostate Producing Penile Problems
He suffered from prostate problems years ago and thought he had solved them... but now his erections have hit a wall. Is there anything he can do to establish and maintain hard erections for as long as he needs? Read on, get the facts and find out!
Case #: 1691
I get erections when I want them but they don't last very long. It will get really hard when my erection first comes on but then I start to feel it slowly go soft. I was diagnosed with an enlarged prostate when I was only 33 years and I got all that fixed. I am now 43 years old and I have experienced erections at my command and long ones ever since my prostate problems. I want my sex life to increase but it just doesn't seem to be happening. I want taking pills to be my last resource to get erections so is there anything else that can happen to keep my erections for longer?
The prostate holds the dubious honor of being one of three human organs that never really stop growing as long as you live; the other two are the nose and the ears. As the prostate sits directly beneath your bladder and surrounds the upper portion of your urethra, this fact explains why so many senior men have difficulty with urinating and maintaining an active sex life. Let's take a closer look at the organ, as well as the surrounding anatomy, to figure out what's going on.
Pumping It Out
The prostate secretes prostitic fluid as part of ejaculation and composes about half to three-quarters of your ejaculate's total volume. This fluid, usually clear or milky-white, is slightly alkaline to counteract the slightly acidic environment inside a woman's vagina. (The prostate also contains the smooth muscles that help expel semen during ejaculation, but for purposes of this study, this is of secondary importance to the prostitic fluid manufacture.) The fluid is not stored, but manufactured during sexual stimulation, so the prostate's growth assists in making sure that the supply of prostitic fluid meets the demand.
Unfortunately, the prostate also rests very near to the main artery and vein supplying the penis. This means that when the prostate grows too large, the artery can be constricted and prevent you from getting a full erection, possibly even preventing you from getting an erection at all.
Enter: the Ring
Since you have expressed no problems with achieving erections, and you seem to want to make your erections last longer, you have several options. One is to adjust your diet; ejaculation and tissue-regeneration require considerable amounts of zinc and B-vitamins. Properly-prepared oysters will provide excellent supplies of both. Toasted wheat germ and certain red meats like lamb and beef will give you more zinc, while whole grains, eggs and leafy vegetables will supply most of your B-vitamin needs. You might also consider establishing a moderate exercise program to boost your natural testosterone levels, which will in turn support your erections and physical stamina.
You might also experiment with using a cock ring. (SEE: Firming Erections with Cock Rings). They work by externally constricting your penile vein, preventing the blood from leaving your corpus cavernosum and corpus spongiosum until you remove it. Please pay special attention to the safety warnings: wearing a cock ring for more than 30 minutes at a time can lead to very serious medical complications that may even include total impotence. Experimenting with different brands and models, as well as applying them when the moment is right, can become an entertaining part of foreplay, so feel free to play with them. Good luck!
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