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Vaginal Insensitivity - Caused by a Vibrator

Vibrators are a source of masturbatory pleasure for many women. These days, it’s not uncommon for a woman to own one or more vibrators for masturbation or enhanced sexual intercourse. But overuse of vibrators can damage nerves and desensitize the clitoris, leading to a delay or inability to achieve orgasm.

Abusive use of vibrators can damage vaginal, cervical, and clitoral linings, causing scarring and swelling that leads to desensitization of both the vagina and clitoris.

Excessive vibrator play can over stimulate the neuro- endocrine systems and trigger a chronic elevation of unwanted stress hormones such as prolactin, dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine, adversely affecting the reproductive organs. Eventually, this hormonal imbalance leads to pituitary-ovarian functional disorders and sexual exhaustion symptoms. 
When the pituitary and ovarian functions are disturbed, it’s as if a toxic organ has negatively influenced many other parts of body with various hormone receptors in a ripple effect. In this condition, the arteries become inflamed, constricting blood flow to the brain. These narrowed arteries require high blood pressure to pump sufficient oxygen to the brain. This can result in hypertension, headaches, migraines, blurred version, gum inflammation, sleeping disorders, ear ringing, brain disorders, body or joint pains and inflammation, liver and kidney inflammation, and disorders of the uterus, cervix, bladder and urethra.

Other essential sex hormones may be also affected by overuse of a vibrator. Testosterone and DHEA levels can become too low to power an orgasm. Over-stimulation drains bioelectric energy, resulting in numbness, irritation and irresponsiveness of the clitoris and G-spot.

Effective ways to reverse the damage include herbal formulas such as  Natural Clitoral Revitalization formula which enhances blood circulation to the genitals, engorging the clitoris, vagina and G-spot, encouraging rejuvenation and increasing overall sensitivity.

[More Details +]

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