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Childhood Issues: Has One Man Ruined His Present and Future Sex Life with His Past Actions?

Her boyfriend is a long-term masturbator; now it’s causing problems in their relationship. He claims his premature ejaculation is due to this masturbation, she doesn’t believe him. Is it true? What’s can be done about it now?
Case #: 2021

My boyfriend tells me he’s been masturbating since he was six years old. I don’t see how that’s possible, but he claims it’s the cause of his problems with premature ejaculation. Can masturbating at a young age end up causing premature ejaculation in the long run? What can we do about it now?

It’s funny the things guys feel compelled to tell their girlfriends, isn’t it? Masturbation beginning at a young age isn’t as uncommon as you might assume. It can occur in both genders, and unconscious genital stimulation begins earlier than three in many cases. There’s no harm in a child touching themselves because it “feels good”, but it can become a habit, and when a boy becomes able to masturbate to ejaculation, it can start to interfere with his hormone levels.
Not Ready

This is because while a boy might be old enough to ejaculate, his body isn’t at the right stage to supply the level of sex hormones he needs to replenish his body until he goes through puberty. Overusing such hormones as DHEA and testosterone can cause a man to begin to exhibit issues with premature ejaculation later in life.
Chemical Bothers

You can also create a disruption in the endocrine-pituitary axis by the constant flooding of serotonin and dopamine. Constant masturbation encourages the overproduction of serotonin, a neurochemical that in large amounts has been proven to result in premature ejaculation. This is one of the reason SSRIs, along with other serotonin inhibiting drugs, seem to help sustain men longer in bed.
The reason this situation occurs is due to the way in which the brain copes with a constant demand for neurochemicals. Similar to what happens with continual cocaine users, the brain, sensing a superabundance of a certain chemical, develops more receptors for the chemical in question. Then, at any time when the chemical is not in full production, the body sees it malfunction on behalf of the brain, and produces still more of the chemical, in this instance, serotonin. Gradually weaning the brain off of the extremely high levels of serotonin that build up in continual masturbation is, in part, the way to restore proper sexual function.
Don’t Get Hyphy

However, I don’t want you to encourage your boyfriend to start popping pills. You can easily restore his hormone levels through a specific herbal formula. (TRY: ViaPal-hGH-C for Maximum Ejaculation Control) There are plenty of herbs that promote testosterone production in males, and also serve to detoxify the body of negative hormonal hangers-ons.
Herbal Assistance

Ginseng in all forms is a powerful body purifier and liver tonic. It’s also a neurochemical balancer—restoring body and brain function. Maca, Avena Sativa, Yohimbe, and Mexican Wild Yam are all hormone-healing herbs, recreating the herbs your man needs to sustain an erection and prevent premature ejaculation. Grape Seed and Pumpkin Seed help to treat and restore inflamed penile, prostate, and seminal tissue—preventing any sort of premature ejaculation related to tenderness or irritation.
You’ll soon see positive results if you get your boyfriend started on this formula. Don’t wait any longer to start treating his childhood issues!

What to do

ViaPal-hGH-C Youth Formula for Premature Ejaculation Caused by Excessive Masturbation

If masturbation has damaged your control over ejaculations, learn how ViaPal-hGH-C can help.

[More Details +]

Views: 238

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Premature Ejaculation

Blog ID: 59466

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