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Don’t Blame Your Size on The Temperature: Understand The Real Cause of Your Penis Size

He's trying to enlarge his penis. Not only is it not working, but his scrotum is shrinking. How could this happen? Read on, get the facts, and find out what you can do if his symptoms are chillingly familiar.
Case #:1276

I am noticing a considerable change in my testicle size. They are noticeably smaller and seem to be poofing away. I can tell they are shrinking because when I am massaging my penis for growth there are times where I can't find the testicles. Where have they gone? Why have I not seen any change in size of my penis either?

Testicles can and will shrink naturally through the course of a man's life. In some cases it is temporary, due to fluctuations in temperature; the scrotum adjusts its size and surface area to maintain the optimal semen-production climate. In others, it can be longer-term, due to aging.
Case Study Highlights

Summary: Temperature can shrink the size of your penis, but you want to know the real cause of your small-sized member. For men interested in understand testicular and penis shrinkage, read on to find out more. For even more help, leave your comments below for the experts and community members.
Your Solution: Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth
Helpful Guide: Penis Enlargement Guide & Technique Overview
Sometimes They Get Smaller

However, if it's due to sexual exhaustion, there can be far more serious implications. Let's check the problem out a little more deeply and see what additional information we can uncover.
Squeezed Dry?

From a biological perspective, ejaculation is a very complicated process. From the perspective of the toll it takes on your body, it can also be called "expensive". Each nutrient and hormone expended in manufacturing sperm cells and semen has another use elsewhere in the body. When you ejaculate too often, especially if you don't give yourself time to rest and take in nutrients to replace the ones burned up in ejaculation, you bring yourself closer to burning out.
Your testicles are capable of manufacturing sperm cells and hormones for decades, provided that you provide them with both the raw materials and time to do so. Failing to do so will result in discomfort, low sperm count or damaged sperm cells, decreased libido or even lost muscle mass.
Refilling The Stores, Rebuilding the Sac

Every part of your body requires nutrients to function and to repair itself. Your scrotum is no different. Bringing your health-care provider in on your activities will help you monitor your progress, no matter which of the following lifestyle options you choose, either individually or in combinations.
While it's hard to go wrong by generally improving your diet (more fresh leafy vegetables, cutting back on greasy junk food, that sort of thing), you should look into foods rich in zinc and B-Complex, as these nutrients are critical to your sexual health; oysters for the former, whole-grains for most of the latter, but please feel free to find your own new food ideas.
You should also consider setting up a moderate exercise program, to help enhance your testosterone levels. And, of course, you should consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement designed specifically to assist your testicles to recover from the damage causing them to shrink. (TRY: Herbal Remedy for Testicular Health and Wellness)

What to do

Botanical Concoction for Penile Tissue Rejuvenation & Growth

There are many ways to enhance and enlarge the size of the penis. Methods with relatively faster results also carry higher risks. With this formula, you can safely grow your penis without the added risks.
Testicular Rejuvenation & Wellness Formula

There are many potential causes for testicular damage and shrinkage, such as Orchitis (inflammation of the testicles), Varicocele (enlargement of veins in the scrotum), or testicular cancer.

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Views: 255

Ideas: Men's, Penis Enlargement, Testicular Pain & Injury

Blog ID: 59457

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