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To Squirt Or Not To Squirt, Is That An Option?

Learn how we as women can regain complete control over how and when we ejaculate.

Case #: 1629


I'm a 34 year old woman, and sometimes when I have an orgasm there is some clear liquid that squirts out and I have to admit, it feels amazing. It feels like a really intense orgasm. Recently, while having sex with my boyfriend I squirted all over the place. This was the first time this has ever happened. Is there something I can do to make sure that it will never happen again accidentally? Please help.


I should preface this case with the truth of the matter. Female ejaculation is perfectly normal and it also feels amazing. Women should not feel ashamed of having this specific sexual reaction that men have been having on a regular basis since the beginning of time.

Too Embarrassed

Unfortunately, many women believe “squirting” is a negative reaction of the female body. However, this is only because these women are extremely uneducated about the facts of the matter at hand. Female ejaculation is actually just the reaction of an extremely powerful orgasm. It can only happen when a woman is able to fully relax and get in touch with her blissful possibilities. This is the kind of mind set you must be in order to be able to achieve such a feat.

Able To Control

Female ejaculation is basically the result of organ swelling. In male terms we would refer to organ swelling as an erection. It begins to inflame from the stimulation of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E1. Once again, this is a perfectly normal reaction of the female form.

However, if you should experience any inflammatory pains, urinary urgency or frequent urination before, during or after you've ejaculated there could be a problem. If this is the case you should recognize whether the fluid you are ejaculating contains urine. You can determine this by letting the fluid set, after about an hour it will begin to smell of ammonia if it is in fact urine. If it is, then this is a sign that your female ejaculation is actually stress- induced incontinence, and you should talk to your doctor immediately.

Fix It Fast

In order to stop your squirting problem, you will need to gain almost complete control over your pelvic floor muscles. Though female ejaculation is a rare occurrence, it seems that you are able to reach this level of climax fairly easily. The best way to regain control over the matter is to begin practicing some yoga that will isolate those specific set of muscles. Aswini Mudra positions for example, are great for strengthening the vaginal wall and pelvic floor muscles. They will also help to relax the sphincter, perineum, and the buttock muscles. It achieves this type of tightening by allowing bio-energy to flow freely through the spinal cord, which can also rejuvenate vaginal tissues. This type of yoga has been known to bring upon better results than kegel exercises.

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Views: 223

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Discharge

Blog ID: 59228

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