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Laboring In Vein

A combination of regular heavy lifting, stress and occasional wild masturbation has led to swollen veins on his penis, with occasional weak or failed erections. What's happening? And more importantly, how can he fix it? Read on, get the facts and find out!

Case #: 1481


I am a 34 year old man and over the last 6 months I have started to notice a lot of swelling on the veins in my penis. I don't really masturbate that often, maybe 3 times per week but sometimes it can get wild. At work I am under a lot of stress and I have to carry some heavy things at times. Can this be the cause of the weird veins on my penis? They don't make anything painful but I am concerned because they weren't there before. Some are thick and some are extremely thin. My erections have seen the most out of problems. Sometimes during intercourse I cannot achieve a full erection or I will lose it halfway through. Is it possible to help with the veins? Please help.


If you've ever found yourself in a part of town where it seems like all the streets are one-way and take you farther from your destination, you might think that two-way flow is the way to go.

When Free Flow Is Not Healthy

Unfortunately, this is a recipe for disaster when you're talking about blood. Your blood contains an array of different types of solids to perform different functions; among others, there are red cells to supply oxygen and carry away waste, white cells to fight infections, and platelets to help seal leaks. Your circulatory system, especially in your penis, has many biological valves that make sure your blood only flows in one direction. Or at least, they do so when they are working properly.

Squeezed To A Trickle

Plaque and scar-tissue buildup on arterial walls (technically known as “arteriosclerosis”) can impair the valves from sealing completely. In turn, this can prevent your erection from achieving full size or maintaining whatever size it does reach for very long.

In some cases, like yours, you may have something of a self-perpetuating negative cycle: minor scar-tissue buildup may have impaired the valves' functions, which allowed some blood to stagnate and form plaque, which further impaired the valves, and so on. Your veins then got thicker as the inflexible plaque and scar-tissue built up, while also leaving less and less room inside the veins for blood to flow in any direction.

The blame for your softer erections and decreased duration rests on these malfunctioning veins. Your body is used to a supplying a particular amount of pressure to your blood, but constrictions to the veins means that the same effort pushes a smaller volume through them. It's a lot like breathing through a snorkel, in comparison to trying to breathe through a soda-straw: you might be able to get enough air to survive, but strenuous activity will not be possible.

Valve Cleaning And Repair

Your body is capable of reversing this kind of damage, but you will need to give it all the help you can. The most important assistance you can give it is to reduce the strain on the system as much as possible. Your health-care provider may be able to get you away from heavy lifting for a while, as the arteriosclerosis may also be present in other parts of your body, such as your heart. You should also avoid ejaculating for about three weeks or so for similar reasons, though cutting down to a maximum of once every three days will be enough for the healing process to start.

During this time, take a careful look at your diet. Cut down on fatty foods and increase your intake of lean meats and vegetables. See if you're consuming enough zinc and B-complex vitamins, which are critical for tissue growth and repair. Read the nutrition labels on whatever you eat, and double check with other information-sources if you have access to a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables from farmers' markets and the like.

Most importantly, you should consider taking an all-natural herbal supplement, designed specifically to address the causes of venous leaks as well as the annoying side-effects like poor erection stamina. (TRY: Venous Leak Relief & Penile Nerve Restoration Formula)

I repeat my advice to discuss your situation with your health-care provider, to make sure that your specific situation gets the personalized attention it deserves. While your penile veins and erectile difficulties are certainly having a detrimental effect on your sex life, they may be a precursor to far more serious conditions. Good luck!

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