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The Birth Control Breakdown: The Real Hormonal Challenges

As women, we are lead to believe that our birth control use is perfectly safe. For the most part this is true, however when it comes to long term use you definitely run the risk of experiencing some complications.
Birth control essentially works by tricking our brains into believing that we are actually pregnant. The pills are able to do this because of the large amounts of synthetic estrogen and progesterone that make up the contraceptive. The man made hormones flood the mind, and the brain begins to believe that you are in fact with child. Once the brain is completely convinced that there is already an egg in the womb that has been fertilized, it will send a message to the ovarian function to shut down.
Pill Problems
The real problems stem from the excessive progesterone and estrogen. Once these sex hormones are in the body and they've done their job, they also need to be expelled from the body somehow. In a normal situation of actual pregnancy, the liver would be able to keep up with the natural flow of hormones. But when the body is constantly assaulted with such a high level of the progesterone and estrogen for long periods of time, build-up starts to form.
A woman with synthetic hormone buildup within her liver will typically be able to tell by the brownish or black discharge that accompanies it. She may also experience some strange symptoms that border on menopausal. Some women who take birth control for long periods of time without taking a break in between have troubles with lower abdominal pains, painful headaches, anxiety, and mood swings.
I've personally known many women who've practically gone to battle with their birth control. I've heard of women who have taken the pill for years, and they gradually begin to dread taking it because of the sickening affect it has on their body. No woman wants to feel like they're continuously stuck on their period, but that's what happens to a lot of us who don't give our body's a rest from the attack of hormones.
How To Fix It
I would recommend to any woman who has been taking her birth control non-stop for over a year to take a little break. Obviously, if you are sexually active at the time, you should continue your contraceptive use by using condoms or abstinence.  Your liver will need some down time in order to completely expel the heavy load of synthetic estrogen and progesterone from the body. If you have taken the pill for a year straight, I would suggest taking at least a month off of birth control, so that your body may cleanse itself of the years of left behind hormonal residue.
During this break I would also suggest utilizing a natural remedy that includes ingredients such as Mercurius Corrosivus. (TRY: Natural Female Body Recovery System) The element on its own can be highly poisonous, but when it is diluted through a tonic it can help quell harsh stomach pains and lessen fatigue. It can also ease diarrhea problems, and eliminates pain specifically caused by ulcers.

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