Mind Over Mucus
She has almost constant vaginal discharge. It seems to begin after her period stops, and ends before her period starts, and is white with an occasional yellow tint. She’s not sexually active, and wonders what the problem is, and how to get rid of it?
Case #: 1498
I have a problem with constant vaginal discharge. The discharge is often white and thick but sometimes has a yellow tint to it. This discharge seems to last after my period and quickly ends before I start my period. I am not even sexually active at this point in my life. What can this be and what can I do to make it stop?
I’m sorry you’ve been having such an irritating issue! The problem you describe is quite a common syndrome for many women. It has to do with your hormonal levels throughout your menstrual cycle. We can easily remove the unpleasant secretions; it just takes a little inter-cycle hormonal modulation.
What Does It
Two hormones control vaginal secretions: estrogen and progesterone. The amount of estrogen in your body determines your vaginal lubrication, which can be emitted as discharge, but progesterone more so controls your discharge levels, as it controls the quality and quantity of your cervical mucus.
Mucus Measuring
You may, perhaps, be aware that you can test your cervical mucus in order to chart your fertility throughout the month. The reason for this is because your cervical mucus changes depending on the interaction between estrogen and progesterone. Optimal fertility is noted at the dates when cervical mucus has an egg-white texture—clear and slippery. On off days, it might be rated as milky or creamy. It’s this cervical mucus that is creating your discharge.
As I mentioned above, progesterone is what controls the quantity of your cervical mucus. The more progesterone in your body, the more mucus you’re going to produce. If you have too much progesterone, you’re going to have a lot of cervical mucus, and it’s going to be discharged from the body via vaginal secretions.
Get The Good Stuff
What you can do to solve this problem is to encourage your body to not produce so much progesterone, and to help it to process out the excess progesterone that already exists. To do this, you must both activate your body’s hormonal alignment ability, and reestablish the proper functioning of your liver, kidneys and circulatory system.
In order to help your body with the proper hormone production, I’d recommend a formula featuring the herbs Blach Cohosh and Fenugreek. Black Cohosh features chemicals that mimic the action of estrogen inside your body, and also gently lead your body into proper hormonal alignment. Fenugreek triggers in-body estrogen production, and has been used for millennia to treat female hormonal issues.
The best plants for female detoxification issues are Fo Ti and Bupleurum. Fo Ti has been used for many years to treat female issues of improper blood flow and stagnation. It increases circulation throughout the female reproductive area, and encourages a healthy, cleansing action throughout it. Bupleurum also triggers a detoxification process, and strengthens the liver to better cleanse the blood and body of build-up.
I recommend an herbal compound that contains all of these herbs, as well as a few other highly beneficial herbs. (TRY: Natural Formula for Excessive Discharge Control) This formula will definitely clear up your discharge, and will put pep in your step besides!
What to do
Excessive estrogens (“Estrogen Dominance”) and the disturbance of sex hormones caused by birth control medications and environmental toxins are the leading cause of most women’s chronic health problems, especially excessive vaginal secretion and...