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It’s Not That Bad…But it is Pretty Weird Looking – White Bumps on His Member

Here we find a concerned wife that has noticed some strange bumps on her husband’s wiener, and after he revealed to her that they are harmless penile papules has kind of chilled on the subject. She’d like some help on getting him a solution for his issue since they are pretty unsightly.

Case #: 1621


I don't know if it's something weird that I do but I like to explore every little piece of my husband’s body, from head to toe. I use it to seduce him, wink wink. When I got to exploring his penis I notice in the base of his shaft, below the tip area, that there were white bumps. I asked him about them when I first discovered them and he told me that he had them checked out by a doctor and they were harmless and not able to be sexually transmitted so that was a big sigh of relief. I don't think he is interested in finding out any more about them or to find out if he is able to get rid of them so I took initiative and surfed the net for an answer. The closest answer I was able to find about any of this was that they are known as Pearly Penile Papules. What exactly are these and how do I help him get rid of them?


You’re lying there next to your husband in the dead of night. For some reason you can’t sleep and you keep tossing and turning as your husband snores. After making love earlier he fell into a deep slumber as usual, but your mind is too active for you to fall asleep. Suddenly, your husband stops his snoring and you hear a slight gurgling sound which is quite unsettling. And then…nothing; not even the sound of breathing.

Night of the Living Bumps

You reach over and place your fingers in front of his nostrils and feel no air brushing against them. Alarmed, you quickly attempt to roll him over and that is when you hear him grumbling. It isn’t a natural grumble, but rather something that sounds like an animal.

Out of nowhere, he turns his head around and in the pale moonlight you see that his face has changed into that of some type of creature with scars on his face and red eyes. His penis suddenly snakes forth from his loins; it’s larger than natural and is covered in giant white papules that shimmer in the moonlight. He grabs you as his giant penis/tentacle slithers toward you. Arrrgh! You cry out, only to wake up, it’s morning and you’re lying next to your real husband, startling him awake.

Although the dramatic entry above is sort of silly, it can seem like a real nightmare when you discover that your man has some strange white bumps on his penis. But don’t be alarmed, you are correct; they are indeed non-transmittable pearly penile papules. No one is quite certain how some men end up with hirsuties coronae glandis (penile papules), but luckily it isn’t an STD. Right now, he might just be recovering from the shock of realizing that it isn’t something too serious, and maybe now he’s trying to silently figure out how to get rid of them, and this is where you can help.

Natural Bump Zapper

Taking an all-natural remedy could be just what he’s looking for. (SEE: Penile Papule Removal with Tea Tree Oil) Since these herbal concoctions are Wholistic and work in conjunction with the body’s innate healing process, there are no side effects as there are with many medical drugs. Tea Tree Oil, extracted from the leaves of Melaleuca alternifolia, is one such solution.

Working at a cellular level, Tea Tree Oil contains powerful anti-microbial characteristics and has been used to treat numerous skin afflictions; everything from ringworm and acne, to eczema, and even MRSA. These same characteristics have been reported by men to also get rid of penile papules. So let your husband know that there is a natural alternative to traditional drugs, and get him back to being a confident sexual beast in the bedroom!

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