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OH NO! Mom said I would go blind, not bald!

The feeling may strike at any moment. What feeling is that? I am talking about a strong feeling of sexual arousal. Whether it is a good night kiss that last longer than usual, or a sexy model on television, our hormones surge through our bodies. Many times if we don’t have a partner to remove our sexual desires, we take care of the desires ourselves. Doing so is a very normal and healthy activity.  But done in excess, too much self-pleasure can cause unwanted side effects.
One of the worst symptoms in men is thinning hair. Yes, thinning hair. For most men this issue is already a dreaded sign of aging. You may say masturbation doesn’t cause thinning hair, other issues like wearing hats and genes cause balding. You would be right; sometimes those issues make a contribution, but the very same hormones that make you explode during orgasm, can cause you to go bald.
Hormones, friend or foe
Testosterone is found naturally in the human body. It is responsible for many developments throughout a guy’s life.  The higher the testosterone levels, the better you will be in the sack. However, if you continually over stimulate yourself, your body loses testosterone levels and produces stress hormones, such as cortisol and epinephrine. During this stress-induced process, testosterone converts to Dihydrotestosterone, or DHT for short. This mix of high levels of DHT, stress hormones, and the lower levels of testosterone over excite the nervous system.  When this perfect storm happens, DHT reduces blood flow to the prostate and head while shrinking hair follicles needed to grow hair.
I don’t want to go bald, is there anything I can take or do?
I am glad you asked! Yes, you can do several things. First, stop masturbating and do not have intercourse for a couple of weeks.  The stress damages muscle tissues, glands and organs, including your prostate, and causes the balding! Your body needs time to replenish its natural hormone reserve. This rest will also give your organs and muscles time to heal. I know it doesn’t sound fun, but anytime you injure yourself, you need rest!
Herbal Solutions

Certain herbs can help with over masturbation; some help you heal, and others stimulate hair follicle growth. Ashwagandha helps with over masturbation by easing effects of stress-related disorders. Cyperi -Rhizoma has anti-inflammatory property to reduce hair follicle size and to promote hair growth. Fo-Ti also has an anti-inflammatory agent, as well as antioxidants that help the liver and kidneys recover from the stress caused by ejaculating too often. Saw Palmetto can heal your prostate to produce more testosterone.

Finally, massaging amla oil into the scalp increases blood flow and strengthens hair follicles to encourage hair growth, while Fenugreek provides natural proteins that stimulate blood flow to the scalp.

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