Sex Position: Hook, Line and Sink Her
Ladies, you’ll be so hungry for him that you’ll get him hooked onto your body, while his line sinks deep, deep inside you. Hook, Line and Sink Her provides men and women with some top-down action. Women who enjoy being in the submissive role will enjoy watching a man establish his assertion over them. Couples who enjoy deep penetration, meanwhile, can too be appeased by this easy-to-accomplish feat created by Hook, Line and Sink Her.
Ladies, lie on your backs with your legs dangling over the bed. Men, position yourself in between her legs and lean forward to penetrate. Once in position, ladies, you may hook your leg over his back to ensure he stays in place.
Why She’ll Love It:
Deep penetration and submissiveness, these are the two main qualities of what makes Hook, Line and Sink Her so appealing. Sure, some women enjoy being in the dominant role from time-to-time, but most ladies like having the man take control.
Why He’ll Love It:
You like to use lube, huh? Well, you’ll use her personal lube for this position. When you slip out of her, stick your fingers inside her and rub the solution around her vaginal lips. This move makes her velvety smooth for penetration and visually appealing to you. Just be warned, if your girl has been experiencing dryness problems, this position may not work as intended.
About This Position
Sex Position Number: 138
Difficulty: Experienced
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For: Vaginal Dryness
Other Positions You May Like: Eye Candy
Ideal Penis Size: 5 inches +
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Medium