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Too Little Too Soon- Weak Erections and Premature Ejaculation

A 41-year-old male who started masturbating at an early age is suffering from premature ejaculation and impotence.

Case #: 478


I am 41-years-old and have been suffering from premature ejaculation for several years. About a year ago, I lost my ability to gain a hard erection. I have taken erectile drugs to treat erectile dysfunction, and they helped for about a year, but then stopped working.

I increased the dosage, but I still did not see an improvement. I am afraid my wife may be cheating on me as a result of me not being able to satisfy her. In addition, I have noticed pain and vibrations in my right ear. I started masturbating when I was 12 years old. Could this be the cause of my current problems?


You are suffering from premature ejaculation and weak erections caused by weak parasympathetic nerves. The parasympathetic nerves are what allow you to ejaculate. When they become weak, they fail to stop an ejaculation and make it difficult to get an erection. If you want your erections to become hard again and the premature ejaculation to stop, you need to strengthen these nerves so they can work properly again.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can be an embarrassing problem, as can a weak erection. If you are leaking semen, you may not be able to get an erection. If you are worried that your wife may be cheating on you because of your sexual problems, you should talk to her and let her know you are working on the problem. Over 50 percent of all men will experience premature ejaculation at least once in their lifetime. You should not be embarrassed of your problem.

The Function of the Parasympathetic Nerves

The parasympathetic nerves signal the ejaculation nerve to open and close. They can become weak with age or because of excessive masturbation and sex. During sex, your body wants to orgasm quickly, even if you are not ready to do so.

The parasympathetic nerves help prevent you from ejaculating before you are ready. If they are too weak, you may notice you ejaculate prematurely during sex or masturbation, or you may even notice semen leaking from your penis from time to time. If the parasympathetic nerves become too weak, you may be unable to get a hard erection.

Premature ejaculation is one of the most common sexual dysfunctions that are experienced by men. Weak parasympathetic nerves are one of the most common causes.

Finding Help

Since you have already started experiencing weak erection a result of nerve weakness, it may take some time before your penis is back to normal. Avoid masturbating or having sex too often while trying to recover. This can weaken the nerves even more and prevent them from healing.

There are many herbal supplements that will help restore your parasympathetic nerves and get them working properly again. You should also work on reducing your stress as stress hormones can cause problems with the hormone receptors that are responsible for erections.

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