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Does An Enlarged Prostate Cause Problems With Rapid Ejaculation?

A man is suffering from premature ejaculation and an overactive bladder caused by an enlarged prostate

Case #: 399


I have been suffering from a weak bladder and premature ejaculation for a while now. When I use the restroom, I do not feel as though my bladder is being completely emptied and urine often leaks out of my penis. During sex, I feel like my bladder is causing me to ejaculate prematurely. I’m afraid that years of abusive masturbation has damaged my bladder and causing sexual problems. What can I do?


Many men suffer from weak bladders and premature ejaculation. Not only are the problems uncomfortable to experience, they can also be embarrassing. The cause of your premature ejaculation and dribbling urine is likely an enlarged prostate.

The prostate grows twice in a man’s lifetime. The first growth spurt occurs during puberty and the second occurs when men reach their 30’s. Most men experience prostate problems as they age.

Leaking Urine

Urine and ejaculate flow through the urethra to exit the body. When the prostate is enlarged, it blocks the urethra and prevents the flow of these fluids. It can also put pressure on the urethra and bladder, causing urine to remain in the bladder.

The remaining urine puts pressure on your bladder and the urethra and makes you have the constant urge to urinate. As the pressure builds up, the urine begins to slowly leak or dribble out of the urethra.

Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation can be embarrassing and make you feel like less of a man. Many men base their performance in the bedroom on how long they can last during sex. Premature ejaculation can occur for many reasons, but an enlarged prostate is one of the most common causes.

An enlarged prostate can weaken the muscles and nerves that control ejaculation, making you cum before it is time. Abusive masturbation can cause prostate exhaustion which can lead to a swollen and enlarged prostate.

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy is non-cancerous growth on or of the prostate. It is the most common cause of an enlarged prostate. Symptoms of the disease include, a weak or slow urinary stream, premature ejaculation, frequent urination and straining to urinate.

Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy can occur in men of any age but is more common in men who are in their 40’s or 50’s. As a man ages, his body experiences a shift in testosterone. Testosterone deposits are left in the prostate and converted to DHT. This causes the prostate to swell, creating urinary problems and endocrine system issues that can lead to premature ejaculation.

The Prostate Solution

According to the National Kidney and Urological Disease Information Clearinghouse, the most common prostate problem for men over 50 is prostate enlargement. Over 50% of all men will experience prostate enlargement at some point in their life.

The risk for prostate enlargements increases with age. Herbal solutions are a great way to help shrink your prostate back to its original size and stop numerous trips to the restroom and premature ejaculation. Herbal solutions can reduce DHT levels, eliminating swelling, restore bladder tissue and help you maintain and stronger and longer lasting erection. Your bladder issues can be resolved with the proper treatment and diet.

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